The problem is that all disks I've seen so far, has been more fragile than
tapes (given a real disaster, such as a clumsy sysadmin, or a burning home
falling on top of them)... Trust me to knock over a disk.
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Comments inline :
On Wednesday, March 03, 2010, at 06:35PM, "Svein Skogen"
>However trying to wrap my head around solaris and backups (I'm used to
>FreeBSD) is now leaving me with a nasty headache, and still no closer to a
>real solution. I need something that on regular intervals pu
Until now, I've ran Windows Storage server 2008, but the ... lack of iSCSI
performance has gotten me so fed up that I've now moved all the files off the
server, to install opensolaris with two zpools, and nfs+smb+iSCSI sharing
towards my windows clients, and vmware ESXi boxes (two of them). So f