I'm building a production web server on a Sol10 u3 box , after giving
up on u4 [1]
Any zfs file systems have to be legacy mounted or EMC Networker/Legato
backup won't see them.
I've been building zfs systems and zones for a while now , but I still
feel like a newbie, because the darn things just work.
Except when they don't [2]

I would love a reality-check on my configuration - please tell me if
I'm doing anything I shouldn't be doing here.

# zpool create -f zones <device name>
# zfs create zones/newzone
# zfs set mountpoint=legacy zones/newzone
# mkdir /zones/newzone
# mount -f zfs zones/newzone /zones/newzone
# chmod 700 /zones/newzone
# vi /etc/vfstab

             zones/newzone  -       /zones/newzone zfs     -       yes -
zonecfg> set zonepath=zones/newzone

thanks Betsy

[1] install_cluster. patchadd. What's UP with that in u4?

[2]  got myself into a heap of trouble when I did something like the above
except tried to mount /zones instead of or in addition to
/zones/newzone. After a reboot,
box wouldn't take any *packages*, even if limited to the global zone.
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