> Hello Jürgen,
> Monday, June 4, 2007, 7:09:59 PM, you wrote:
> >> > Patching zfs_prefetch_disable = 1 has helped
> >> It's my belief this mainly aids scanning metadata. my
> >> testing with rsync and yours with find (and seen with
> >> du & ; zpool iostat -v 1 ) pans this out..
> >> mainly tracked in bug 6437054 vdev_cache: wise up or die
> >>   http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/thread.jspa?messageID=42212
> >> 
> >> so to link your code, it might help, but if one ran
> >> a clean down the tree, it would hurt compile times.
> JK> I think the slowdown that I'm observing is due to the changes
> JK> that have been made for 6542676 "ARC needs to track meta-data
> JK> memory overhead".
> JK >
> JK> There is now a limit of 1/4 of arc size ("arc_meta_limit")
> JK> for zfs meta-data.
> Not good - I have some systems with TBs of meta-data mostly.
> I guess there's some tunable...

AFAICT, you can patch the kernel global variable "arc_meta_limit"
at run time, using mdb -wk (variable should be visible in build 66
or newer)

But you can't tune it via an /etc/system "set" command.
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