> Hi there!
> I want to build el cheapo ZFS NFS/Samba server for
> storing user files and NFS mail 
> storage.
> I'm planning to have one 0.5Tb SATA2 ZFS RAID10 pool
> with several filesystems:
> 1) 200 Gb filesystem with ~300K user files, shared
> with Samba, about 10 clients, very light load.
> 2) 15-20 Gb filesystem with ~700K files, Courier mail
> server storage, NFS3-mounted by FreeBSD mail server.
> 3) 2-3 30-40 Gb NFS exported filesystems with light
> load.
> I'm looking for configuration advices (Supermicro
> whitebox preffered) and recommendations about tuning
> ZFS for NFS Courier mailbox load.
> I think something like 8 drive bay SATA2 case with
> Dual Opteron mobo will be enough.
> What would you recommend?
> Thanks in advance,
>    Yuri.

Dual Opterons for a ZFS server is probably overkill...there isn't anywhere near 
that much check-summing overhead!   The second CPU expense is probably better 
spent on RAM or better quality drives.  Be sure to use enterprise SATA for best 
RAID performance; besides, they aren't much more expensive.

If I had your requirements on a tight budget, I'd build from either a nice used 
W2100z/W1100z [4-drive OEM support w/ latest BIOS] or get a new Ultra 20 [only 
2-drive OEM - but space to mod].  Of course, you'll probably void your warranty 
modding an Ultra-20, but hey, you wouldn't have much of a warranty with a 
whitebox anyway.

Google for the ZFS wiki...you'll know the one when you see it and they've 
started putting in a few performance tuning settings.

Since I typically run mirrors I don't have much direct performance experience 
with RAIDz, but you may wish to simply make a RAIDz pool if the performance is 
adequate and you desire more storage space.


Wes W.
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