Hi all,

Another issue users have pointed out with ZFS: now, when their ZFS homedirs are 
automounted, the total size shown is not always correct.

All the homedirs have a 10GB quota, which means that is supposed to be the 
total size shown. However, when there are snapshots on those FS, and they are 
automounted via NFS, the total size is the actual quota size minus the space 
used up by the snapshots, which is *very* confusing.

Let's see an example, a homedir with a 10 GB quota, and a snapshot using up 2 
$ /usr/sbin/zfs list -r home/testcc
home/testcc       2,43G  7,57G   444M  /export/home/users/testcc
home/[EMAIL PROTECTED]  2,00G      -  2,43G  -

If I check the size locally, on the automounted homedir, using df, I get:
$ df -h /home/users/testcc
Système de fichiers  taille utilisé  dispo capacité  Monté sur
home/testcc             10G   444M   7,6G     6%    /export/home/users/testcc

If I use the exact same command on a system with the exact same automount 
config, whether Solaris or RHEL, I get:
$ df -h /home/users/testcc
Sys. de fich.         Tail. Occ. Disp. %Occ. Monté sur
                      8,0G  445M  7,6G   6% /home/users/testcc

See2 ZGB of difference (I'll pass on the 1MB difference on use).

Even locally, it is incoherent:
$ df -h |grep test
home/testcc             10G   444M   7,6G     6%    /export/home/users/testcc
/export/home/users/testcc   8,0G   444M   7,6G     6%    /home/users/testcc

What is the reason of such a difference?

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