Le 14/07/10 17:07, Gerard Henry a écrit :
hello all,
i need to move zones from serv1 to serv2. Every server is os2009.06 b111b
On serv1, i have, after detach:

serv1 # zfs list -r rpool/zones/bibcmi4
NAME                             USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool/zones/bibcmi4             1.46G  8.43G    38K  /zones/bibcmi4
rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT        1.46G  8.43G    18K  legacy
rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT/zbe    1.33M  8.43G   828M  legacy
c  1.45G  8.43G   877M  /zones/bibcmi4/root

following this post:

i send the snapshots on serv2, and i have:
serv2 # zfs list -r rpool/zones/bibcmi4
NAME                             USED  AVAIL  REFER  MOUNTPOINT
rpool/zones/bibcmi4             1.29G  45.9G    38K  /zones/bibcmi4
rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT        1.29G  45.9G    19K  legacy
rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT/zbe     494M  45.9G   494M  legacy
rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT/zbe-2   825M  45.9G   825M  /zones/bibcmi4/root

(the last line was legacy, and i set the mountpoint manually)
i did a zonecfg, with "create -a"

but now, it fails to attach:
serv2 # zoneadm -z bibcmi4 attach
ERROR: The -a, -d or -r option is required when there is no active root dataset.

i found another thread related to this message:

but unfortunately, it doesn't help.
The option doesn't exist in zoneadm, so i don't understand what's happen.
The official docs http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/817-1592/zone?a=view doesn't 
take this case into account (zonepaths on zfs).

I need to move zones before upgrading to b134,

thanks in advance for help,

We've got the same issue in opensvc zones start:
even with zfs property org.openlaris.libbe:active = active on zonepath root dataset
To success zone attach we needed to do the following:
   mount -F zfs rpool/zones/bibcmi4/ROOT/zbe-2 /zones/bibcmi4/root
Then zoneadm -z bibcmi4 attach is ok

The definition of the opensvc service need then the preboot tag:

        dev = z2_root/ROOT/zbe
        mnt = /z2_root/root
        mnt_opt =
        type = zfs
        globalfs = True
        tags = preboot

Full service definition:

app = OSVC
vm_name = z2
comment = lab zone
mode = zone
service_type = DEV
nodes = osol1.opensvc.com osol2.opensvc.com
autostart_node = osol1.opensvc.com
drpnode =

ipdev = lo0
ipname =

poolname = z2_root
tags = preboot

poolname = z2_data
tags = postboot

dev = z2_root/ROOT/zbe
mnt = /z2_root/root
mnt_opt =
type = zfs
globalfs = True
tags = preboot

dev = z2_data/appdata2
mnt = /appdata2
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

dev = z2_data/appdata3
mnt = /appdata3
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

dev = z2_data/appdata4
mnt = /appdata4
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

dev = z2_data/appdata4/subds
mnt = /appdata3/subdir
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

dev = z2_data/appdata3/subds
mnt = /appdata4/subdir
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

dev = z2_data/appdata1
mnt = /appdata1
mnt_opt = defaults
type = zfs
tags = postboot

Then the stop service action is :
r...@osol1.opensvc.com:~# /opt/opensvc/etc/z2.opensvc.com stop
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#6 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata3/subds
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#4 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata4
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#5 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata4/subds
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#3 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata3
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata2
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#7 - INFO - zfs umount z2_data/appdata1
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.POOL#2 - INFO - zpool export z2_data
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - zlogin z2 /sbin/init 0
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - Waiting for ipkg poststate complete: 4519 /bin/ksh -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/poststate z2 /z2_root 5 4 Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - Waiting for ipkg poststate complete: 4519 /bin/ksh -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/poststate z2 /z2_root 5 4 Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - Waiting for ipkg poststate complete: 4519 /bin/ksh -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/poststate z2 /z2_root 5 4 Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - Waiting for ipkg poststate complete: 4519 /bin/ksh -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/poststate z2 /z2_root 5 4
 4584 /bin/ksh -p /usr/lib/brand/ipkg/poststate z2 /z2_root 5 4
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - zoneadm -z z2 detach
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - detach done in 0:00:01.400383 - ret 0 - logs in
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 - INFO - zfs umount z2_root/ROOT/zbe
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.POOL#1 - INFO - zpool export z2_root
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 - INFO - is already down on lo0

The start action is :
r...@osol1.opensvc.com:~# /opt/opensvc/etc/z2.opensvc.com start
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.POOL#1 - INFO - zpool import z2_root
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 - INFO - fs(z2_root/ROOT/zbe /z2_root/root) is already mounted
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - zoneadm -z z2 attach
Log File: /var/tmp/z2.attach_log.H0aixj

       Global zone version: ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.134:20100302T023003Z
   Non-Global zone version: ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.134:20100302T023003Z
                Evaluation: Packages in z2 are in sync with global zone.
Attach complete.

Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - attach done in 0:00:09.420799 - ret 0 - logs in Log File: /var/tmp/z2.attach_log.H0aixj

       Global zone version: ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.134:20100302T023003Z
   Non-Global zone version: ent...@0.5.11,5.11-0.134:20100302T023003Z
                Evaluation: Packages in z2 are in sync with global zone.
Attach complete.

Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - zoneadm -z z2 ready
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - ready done in 0:00:04.797098 - ret 0 - logs in
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.IP#1 - INFO - ifconfig lo0:5 plumb netmask + broadcast + up zone z2
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - zoneadm -z z2 boot
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.ZONE - INFO - boot done in 0:00:02.228589 - ret 0 - logs in
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.POOL#2 - INFO - zpool import z2_data
Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#1 - INFO - fs(z2_root/ROOT/zbe /z2_root/root) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#7 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata1 /z2_root/root/appdata1) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#2 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata2 /z2_root/root/appdata2) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#3 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata3 /z2_root/root/appdata3) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#5 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata4/subds /z2_root/root/appdata3/subdir) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#4 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata4 /z2_root/root/appdata4) is already mounted Z2.OPENSVC.COM.FS#6 - INFO - fs(z2_data/appdata3/subds /z2_root/root/appdata4/subdir) is already mounted


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