Re: [Zope] security

2000-11-29 Thread seb bacon
* Dieter Maurer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001128 00:12]: Bowyer, Alex writes: Can some one explain how the Define Permissions screen works. I really don't understand the concept behind it, what does it mean for a permission setting to own a permission? All I need to do is to make

Re: [Zope] newbie question: Redirect from Python?

2000-11-27 Thread seb bacon
* Paul Winkler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001127 19:54]: I want the user to be sent to a particular URL after calling the product's manage_add method. How can I do that? The URL I want is REQUEST['URL3']. I've tried RESPONSE.redirect(REQUEST['URL3']) but that's not it - the RESPONSE doesn't seem

[Zope] Re: [Zope-dev] SQL-Methods Through-the-FileSystem

2000-11-26 Thread seb bacon
Hi Johan, Does anybody have a good suggestion how to develope SQL Method ftfs (through the filesystem) rather than ttw. Perferably in someway similare to the HTMLFile way try something like this: from Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL import SQL import PoPy def

Re: [Zope] LoginManager Help.

2000-11-26 Thread seb bacon
* Jason C. Leach [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001126 20:46]: hi, So I have LoginManager installed. The easy part. Now I'd like to know how to use it. To start with, I'd like to authenticate against a standard acl_users folder or a plane text file w/ username/passwords in it. OK, I've just

Re: [Zope] Support for PHP?

2000-11-22 Thread seb bacon
* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001121 21:02]: This was discussed about a month ago. check the archive. conclusion was that you can do anything with dtml that php does, though with perhaps a little bit more indirection. and you can do _more_ in python than in php.

[Zope] Exception msg rendering

2000-11-22 Thread seb bacon
LoginManager displays a login form by calling a page something like this: dtml-raise "'LoginRequired'" html form action="foo" !-- some form doohickeys -- /form /html /dtml-raise this works fine on one of my boxen but not the other. The bust one raises the exception but

Re: [Zope] Javascript dtml tags

2000-11-21 Thread seb bacon
* Kini Natekar [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001121 07:36]: Is there a way to include dtml tags with a javascript ? If there is please let me know. if you mean, you want to insert a dtml tag into a document using javascript, then no. zope's a server-side technology; javascript is client-side. seb

Re: [Zope] Image Maps

2000-11-20 Thread seb bacon
* CURTIS David [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001120 16:46]: I am looking for information on Image Maps using Zope. I know that you need to use a CGI script to get the results that you need. The search engine displays some products that seem similar, but not exactly. Is there a better way? I'd

Re: [Zope] Stupid Installation Question

2000-11-18 Thread seb bacon
* Ben Ocean [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001118 09:51]: Hi; Okay, hope I did this right... Installed Zope in a directory at doc root (called zope) and untarred it. Now I have a directory called Zope-2.2.2-src with a bunch of stuff in it. What do I do from here? How do I see it working? TIA, BenO

Re: [Zope] Stupid Installation Question

2000-11-18 Thread seb bacon
* Ben Ocean [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001118 09:51]: Hi; Okay, hope I did this right... Installed Zope in a directory at doc root (called zope) and untarred it. Now I have a directory called Zope-2.2.2-src with a bunch of stuff in it. What do I do from here? How do I see it working? TIA, BenO

Re: [Zope] Web mail with POP3

2000-11-16 Thread seb bacon
* Aleksander Salwa [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001116 09:00]: I need to build a web mail product with pop3 back-end. There is WorldPilot, but AFAIK it has no pop3 support. I'm thinking about taking web inteface/application design from WorldPilot and writing code to talk to pop3 server (probably based

[Zope-dev] is _getCopy slow?

2000-11-15 Thread seb bacon
My product is performing incredibly badly. I profiled it and got the following results: ncalls tottime percall cumtime percall filename:lineno(function) ...snip... 4/10.0100.0036.3606.360 37/60.4400.0126.330

[Zope] _delObject errors

2000-11-15 Thread seb bacon
When I try to call self._delObject('foo') from my Product, it seems to work, but I get an error logged: AttributeError: 'string' object has no attribute 'manage_beforeDelete' The offending line is in def _delObject(self, id, dp=1): object=self._getOb(id)

[Zope] Authentication

2000-11-14 Thread seb bacon
This is strange: when I type as an authenticated user, Zope thinks I'm just an Anonymous user. When I type It realises I'm authenticated. I'm using Apache / ProxyPass on Zope 2.2.2. Any ideas? seb.

Re: [Zope] Deleted product breaks SQL_Method Advanced tab - How to fix?

2000-11-14 Thread seb bacon
How can I remove this object from the zodb? How do I find it? Any idea why SQL_Method even cares about this? there was a longish thread about this recently (search for something like 'Data.fs corrupted?!'). the upshot was, i think, that products that haven't been written carefully can

[Zope-dev] Exceptions

2000-11-10 Thread seb bacon
I was just building in some error handling into some UI code, and wanted to catch errors relating to duplicate ids. The problem is that just about every client-side error raises the same kind of Exception, a 'Bad Request'. A quick grep counted 41 different types of 'Bad Request' in my Zope

[Zope] bad expression evaluation

2000-11-10 Thread seb bacon
I'm trying to compare two page titles, using this code: dtml-call "REQUEST.set('my_title',get_page_title)" dtml-in "PARENTS[1].objectValues(['Folder'])" dtml-my_title; : dtml-get_page_title dtml-if "my_title!=get_page_title" dtml-var title_or_id /dtml-if /dtml-in Now I can see on

Re: [Zope] Is data.fs corrupted?

2000-11-09 Thread seb bacon
Could I just butt in here and try and clarify what I've understood from this thread so far? I'm feeling a bit dumb about it but I'd really like to sort it out. 1) This problem is definitely a programming error 2) It arises when a product has a component which isn't 'registered' as a zope

Re: [Zope] down from Thu Nov 9 12:00:00 GMT 2000 to present?searchable list archive not linked to from mailman page; console-based zope development. list archive not linked to from mailman page; console-based zope development.

2000-11-09 Thread seb bacon
* Colin Leath [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001109 14:00]: I'm trying to figure out ways of managing/developing with Zope from a unix console, using text editors, text browsers and so on. I often work from emacs, accessing the ZODB through the Zope FTP Server on port 8021. The syntax for ange-ftp is

Re: [Zope] dtml-if newbie question

2000-11-09 Thread seb bacon
* Stephan Goeldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001109 16:49]: dtml-in money dtml-if "1000" This is not much! /dtml-if dtml-if "5000" This is ok! /dtml-if dtml-if "1" This is very much! /dtml-if /dtml-in I am sure that there is an error in my thinking of

Re: [Zope] Is data.fs corrupted?

2000-11-09 Thread seb bacon
* Stephan Goeldi [EMAIL PROTECTED] [001109 13:30]: I just asked the question lately, if it is safe to simply delete a Product in the lib/python/Product folder, if it is not deletable via the Control_Panel. Some told me that it is no problem. Now I am more unsure to delete the stuff. for

RE: [Zope] Python Methods Vote

2000-11-08 Thread Seb Bacon
Is there any way you can see what the results are looking like without having to vote again? Don't worry, there's no need actually to count the votes. Despite the fact that this race went right down to the wire, according to my complex computer-based prediction models (based on exit polls

[Zope] Product removal stress: a plea for help

2000-11-08 Thread seb bacon
If anyone can shed some light on this it would be a great help to the newbies out here. Perhaps I could even do a HOWTO, and lighten the load on the list considerably ;) I don't have a solution to Alexander's problem quoted below, but it's one I keep hitting and one that is frequently asked

RE: [Zope] Help wanted on Zope ZClasses/DTML please.

2000-11-06 Thread Seb Bacon
I have worked out thanks to Seb's comments that the problem I have with the use of manage_delObjects is (I think) that I am passing in the title or id of the object to be deleted rather than the object itself. Not quite... manage_delObjects takes a string which is the id of the object to be

RE: [Zope] Help wanted on Zope ZClasses/DTML please.

2000-11-03 Thread Seb Bacon
Hi, just some quick pointers (I'm in a hurry...) refer to for more details !-- do the deletion - this is the bit that doesn't work -- dtml-call "manage_delObjects('the_id')" What is the correct way to use manage_delObjects? dtml-call

RE: [Zope] Can somebody please help me....

2000-11-03 Thread Seb Bacon
dtml-call "REQUEST.set('email', dtml-var sequence-item)" dtml-call "REQUEST.set('email', _['sequence-item'])" seb. ___ Zope maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** No cross posts or HTML encoding! **

RE: [Zope] Products : dependencies (or who's on first?)

2000-11-02 Thread Seb Bacon
Okay, here goes : I installed the PTK product some time ago, decided that it wasn't where I needed to be right now and moved on to something else. Today I finally decided to delete it from my Products folder. Shortly afterwards, I noticed that both my existing FlexFAQ and ZDiscussion

RE: [Zope] Hosting?

2000-10-27 Thread Seb Bacon
You could DIY: I bought myself a server (256Mb RAM, 20Gb RAID1, Athlon Thunderbird 850Mhz) and I'm getting it colocated at one of the best-wired places in the UK. The bandwidth can be upped on a month-by-month basis. This way you get full control over everything. My costs: server ?650 (that's

[Zope] wondering about rendering

2000-10-27 Thread Seb Bacon
A simple question that's been bugging me: Regarding a "FooDocument/BarMethod": How do I reference the content of FooDocument inside BarMethod? At the moment, I'm using dtml-var "this()" which seems to call the __str__ method of FooDocument; or dtml-var "_.getitem(_['id'],1)" where I want to

RE: [Zope] ZMailIn

2000-10-27 Thread Seb Bacon
It sounds like you're thinking about a project management thing. Depends what you want to do with it, and what your zope setup is, but if you've got enough control over the zope box you're using, you could consider worldpilot + imap. You could customise it to your specific needs, plus have the

RE: [Zope-dev] Inheritable Propertysheets!???!!?!?!?!!

2000-10-18 Thread Seb Bacon
AFAIK (but I'm no expert), a ZClass inherits its parents' propertysheets and you can access them in the normal way. The problem is that the all the propertysheets have to have different names. Example: If your parent class and the child class both have a property sheet called "Basic", but the

RE: [Zope] Dymanic sort=dtml-a_dtml_var; in DTML?

2000-10-17 Thread Seb Bacon
I needed to do this a while back and a kind fellow sent me some patches to do just this. Unfortunately my old email is unavailable at the moment, so I've forgotten who it was. The syntax was dtml-in ... sort-python="sortby" I'll dig out the patches as send them to you. seb -Original

[Zope] product.dat

2000-10-13 Thread Seb Bacon
In the Zope PTK there are a couple of products that have been packaged as product.dats. What format are these? How do I do it? Cheers seb ___ Zope maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** No cross posts or HTML

RE: [Zope] int and string comparisons

2000-10-12 Thread Seb Bacon
if you're submitting from a form, you can coerce strings into other data types by giving the form items special names, e.g.: input type=text name=foo:int input type=text name=bar:float Your REQUEST then has variables called foo and bar which are ints and floats, respectively. also, don't post

[Zope] Content Management System

2000-10-12 Thread Seb Bacon
This query started out in a separate thread about permissions, but it's sufficiently important to me to pose again here. I've been struggling to make the CMS abilities of zope user-friendly enough for 'joe average' end-users. Really it's designed for a 'power' content manager who delegates,

RE: [Zope] Access Control vs Publishing Protoco

2000-10-12 Thread Seb Bacon
oops, I forgot to foward my last mail on this subject to the list. My response here to Dieter's response captures contains the main points though... I think, the implementation would be easy. Management, however, would be more difficult, as there are no good defaults for the "URL

RE: [Zope] Re: Upload just file headers?

2000-10-11 Thread Seb Bacon
Hmm, well you certainly can't do it at the browser side. A well-formed HTTP header should contain a content-length attribute which you can examine. However, deciding whether to accept the file or not would I imagine not be possible inside zope since the whole POST operation is handled by

RE: [Zope] Access Control vs Publishing Protoco

2000-10-10 Thread Seb Bacon
This is because the thing which makes the problem hard is that something like standard_html_header wants to be editable by Managers TTW, which means it also has to be visible TTW. However, it's probably not something you want exposed to anonymous users, especially as a TTW

RE: [Zope] Quoting

2000-10-10 Thread Seb Bacon
dtml-var something cookie_quote Quote all characters not allowed in a cookie wouldn't dtml-var something url_quote do the job? That reminds me, it's silly that there's not dtml-something url_unquote, so I patched my zope to provide it. I was wondering if there's a mechanism for getting this

[Zope] security quickie

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
Does Zope security provide a way of restricting what objects are listed to an authenticated user inside the Zope 'manage' interface? I'm getting my head all twisted up over this security / proxy roles /local roles lark. Thanks, seb ___ Zope maillist

RE: [Zope] overriding __str__ method?

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
same names for form vars and property names to avoid confusing myself) then: dtml-call "manage_changeProperties(REQUEST)" Does this help? Seb Bacon wrote: My strategy: Each element that I want the user to be able to edit is a ZClass with a manage_content method. This provides the

RE: [Zope] Animated GIFs

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
I also tried to name the animGif explicitely animGif.gif instead of animGif - guessed what? - same problem! Any more ideas, please? have you tried doing a diff on the zope and non-zope versions to see if zzope's somehow mangled it? seb ___

RE: [Zope] Animated GIFs

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
your diff. is it a browser-related issue? have you tried it in IE netscape? if you want to send me the gif i'll try it out, when i get some time (tomorrow probably) seb -Original Message- From: Lars Heber [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] Sent: 09 October 2000 15:29 To: Seb Bacon Cc: [EMAIL

RE: [Zope] tell-a-friend product?

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
Hi, I am still new to zope and am wondering if there is a tell-a-friend script/product/example floating around for me to look at? If not, and I made my own form with Zope (which I have not done yet), what variable would call the existing page the user was on ? The url of the current page

RE: [Zope] dtml-tree advice, please

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
branches_expr="objectValues('Album' 'Photo') I think you mean branches_expr="objectValues(['Album','Photo']) seb ___ Zope maillist - [EMAIL PROTECTED] ** No cross posts or HTML encoding! **

RE: [Zope] expr=id 'index_html issue

2000-10-09 Thread Seb Bacon
try untested but this is a faq: dtml-in expr="objectValues('DTML Method')" sort="title" dtml-if expr="_[id] 'index_html'" td align="center"a href="dtml-absolute_url;"dtml-var title_or_id/a/td /dtml-if /dtml-in that should be dtml-if expr="_['id'] 'index_html'"

[Zope] overriding __str__ method?

2000-10-08 Thread Seb Bacon
Hi, What I'd really like to do is have inline content-management. I don't know if I'm completely up the wrong tree, and some advice would be much appreciated. My reason: Correct me if I'm wrong, but the zope security model does not allow me exclude an authenticated user from knowing that an

[Zope] Base ZClass propertysheet management

2000-10-06 Thread Seb Bacon
I've got a ZClass "A" that subclasses another ZClass "B". I can use the default propertysheets/B/manage method to update B's properties; but how do I access the properties of A through the management interface? Many thanks Seb. -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL

RE: [Zope] Product Testing

2000-10-05 Thread Seb Bacon is the only way I know of to take away the pain of testing products. Seb -Original Message- From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nestor A. Diaz L. Sent: 05 October 2000 01:06 Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: [Zope]

RE: [Zope] file uploading from IE browser

2000-08-11 Thread Seb Bacon
What's the HTML you're using for the upload? Hi All, I'ved followed the online How-To on implementing a simple service for parsing uploaded files via the browser. But strangely, it only works for Netscape browsers. When I test the uploading using IE, the supposed file object

RE: [Zope] Requested Zope feature

2000-08-09 Thread Seb Bacon
yup, this is how i work too. how about adding some javascript to the manage_* methods that reload the related window (if it's open) whenever the source changes, too? a problem with this might be ending up with a mass of windows all over your desktop, which is invariably horrible. otoh,

Re: [Zope] tracebacks

2000-08-01 Thread Seb Bacon
A) your SQL is wrong, you want a VARCHAR not a CHAR there. and i doubt 'NOW' is a valid value for a TIMESTAMP type in your DB. You'll be wanting a SQL function like Date(), not a string. Probably. Look in your DB docs. Not that I'm much of a SQL person - someone else will probably correct me.

[Zope] request for advice

2000-07-21 Thread Seb Bacon
Hello folks, I'm just beginning to design my first big Zope application. I'm writing to ask zopististitiatatas for some advice, since I'm a bit of a newbie and I want to make sure: [a] I reuse as much code as possible [b] I make my code as reusable as possible [c] my application is stable and

RE: [Zope] HELP: problems with ZServer Medusa!

2000-05-24 Thread Seb Bacon
does /usr/Zope-2.2.0a1-src/var/ exist? if not, touch and try again. seb. Hi All, I have installed Zope on a Linux server (Slackware 7.0) apparently without problems; but, when I start the server with the command: ./start, I have in continuous this message error: --

[Zope] Reloading products

2000-05-24 Thread Seb Bacon
newbie time: I'm trying to write a product AlbumImage which extends Image to include a thumbnail. I was determined to slog it out without begging for help, but I've come up against a very strange brick wall. I'm getting problems with an import statement at the beginning of my product from

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