[Zope] passing parameters from form to script

2005-08-29 Thread Roman Klesel
Hello everyone, I'm dynamically generate a form e.g like this: form action=paramtest method=post table class=normal tr valign=top align=left tal:repeat=item python:context.Templates.AddressTemplate.propertyIds() td tal:content=itembla/td tdinput type=text

Re: [Zope] passing parameters from form to script

2005-08-29 Thread Peter Bengtsson
2 options: - don't have a parameter on your 'paramtest' script and instead iterate on context.REQUEST.form.items() - keep a hidden variable in the form creation. eg. input type=hidden name=keys:list tal:attributes=value item / then make 'keys' the only parameter of 'paramtest' and use this