KLEIN Stéphane wrote at 2005-5-5 19:40 +0200:
> ...
>               typesTool.manage_addTypeInformation(
>                               add_meta_type = 
> factory_type_information['meta_type'],
>                               id = factory_type_information['id']
>                       )
> ...
>   File 
>"/home/harobed/newzope/Products/ZHelloWorld/Extensions/Install.py", line 
>22, in install
>     )
>   File "/home/harobed/newzope/Products/CMFCore/TypesTool.py", line 598, 
>in manage_addTypeInformation
>     raise ValueError, (
>ValueError: Meta type ZHelloWorld is not a type class.

The "add_meta_type" must refer to a class described by
By default, "typeClasses" describes just "FactoryTypeInformation"
and "ScriptableTypeInformation".

Obviously, your "add_meta_type" does not fulfill this

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