Jens Vagelpohl wrote at 2008-10-11 09:21 +0200:
>Hash: SHA1
>On Oct 11, 2008, at 08:16 , Dieter Maurer wrote:
>> Jens Vagelpohl wrote at 2008-10-8 14:57 +0200:
>>> ...
>>> As far as the feature itself is concerned, I've never seen a  
>>> situation
>>> where this is useful or needed.
>> As so often -- we need it :-)
>> Our "MembershipTool" instance is (together with the portal)
>> in a read only mounted storage
>> while the "Members" folder obviously has to be in a read/write mounted
>> storage.
>As so often, you have never mentioned that this is useful or  
>needed ;-)

I did -- in the message you have reponded to ;-)
I did this to support Raphael's extension request.

For us, there was no need to change "CMFDefault" (which we do not use
at all) nor "CMFCore". Instead, we implemented the additional
flexibility in a class derived from "CMFCore.MembershipTool.MembershipTool".

> Seriously, I know you may have some use cases that few of  
>use will ever see or need, but if there's no feedback at all then it's  
>not possible to consider them.

Sure. And my response had not the intension to blame the CMF developpers
why a much needed feature is still not available
but only to threnghen Raphaels request for a minor extension :-)

>If you have a fully-tested patch I'll be happy to look at it.

As I understood, Raphael has one. I do not as we have a separate
"MembershipTool" (only derived from that of "CMFCore").

@Raphael: I suggest to put the extra flexibility into "CMFCore" (and not
only into "CMFDefault").

Zope-CMF maillist  -

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