
I have a Python class that my Zope application uses to talk to a relational database (MySQL for now). I am using a Z SQL Connection (ZMySQLDA) object to handle DB connectivity. When I initialize, I get a handle of the connection object like this:

import Zope
setattr(self, CONNECTION_NAME, getattr(Zope.app(),CONNECTION_NAME))

Where CONNECTION_NAME is a string that matches the ID of the connection object that I have in the Root folder of Zope.

Then I run queries like this:

from Products.ZSQLMethods.SQL import SQL

setattr(self, '_selectProperties',
            SQL('_selectProperties', '', CONNECTION_NAME, 'schemaId',
'SELECT * FROM ' + TABLE_NAME[self._context.id] + ' WHERE SCHEMA_ID = <dtml-sqlvar schemaId type="int">'))

The life of this class should be Zope transaction (I am hooking into Shared.DC.ZRDB.TM.TM to manage these objects).

The problem I am running into is I seem to be running out of connections. Everytime I inititialize and run "show processlist;" within MySQL, the number of connections increases. I get to a maximum of 3 and then my Zope instance hangs.

Is there any reason why these DB connections do not get reused or destroyed after queries are made?

Any ideas?



Seth Gottlieb
Optaros, Inc.
60 Canal Street
Boston, MA 02114
v: 617.227.1855 ext. 107
f: 617.227.1755
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