On 5/3/06, Andreas Jung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I tried to get Zope 2.10 working with Twisted however I ran into some

After installing Twisted 2.1.0, Zope fails to start (also with Twisted
2.2.0)...anything I am misssing?

Yes, but what? Hmmm.
(Oh, btw, 2.2 seems much slower that 2.1 and trunk...)

    raise ComponentLookupError(interface, name)
zope.component.interfaces.ComponentLookupError: (<InterfaceClass
zope.app.twisted.interfaces.IServerType>, 'Zope2-HTTP')

OK, that one gets registered in Zope2/Startup/handlers.py, and it only gets
registered if it can import twisted, in the beginning of the file.
Could you see what doesn't get imported?

I also wonder why 'type' is set to 'Zope2-HTTP' (something like
Twisted-Zope would perhaps be a better name?!). 'Zope2-HTTP' reminds me of
ZServer..it there a special reasons for choosing this name?

Because you are telling Twisted what to do, and not the other way around. ;)
We could rename the <server> block <twisted-server>. That might be clearer.

Lennart Regebro, Nuxeo     http://www.nuxeo.com/
CPS Content Management     http://www.cps-project.org/
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