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searchDominoThis Week
September 29, 2003 >> Receive this e-mail as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the Editor: Sweet stuff
>> Featured Topic: Notes 6 and beyond
>> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured Expert: Michael Lazar, Domino administration
  • Site Exclusives:
    - Lotus sweetens offer to move to 6.5
    - Instant messaging to push workplace envelope
    - True Domino Blooper #28: The Super Server Snafu
  • Tip of the Week: Multiple embedded views in Notes R5 forms
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • Webcast Archive: Learn about Lotus certification
  • August tips contest winner
  • New Poll: If I could change Domino...

  •  From the Editor:

    by Joyce Chutchian, Site Editor

    So Lotus is offering a sweet incentive to move to 6.5 quickly. This could be the version that does it all, integrating IM and other features all in one nice package. According to our recent poll, most of us are happy about the new Notes and are going to upgrade. What's in it for you? Is this what you want? Is it worthwhile to upgrade?

    Speaking of sweet incentives, we've received a lot of user tips and tip feedback in September. We're posting feedback as fast as we can. Sometimes our readers offer improvements, sometimes alternate ways of doing the same thing, and, well, sometimes just comments -- good and bad. Our developer QuickTips section is getting bigger, with valuable tidbits of code and advice that seem so simple, yet save time and effort. Our administrator QuickTips need more submissions, so all of you administrators out there, tell us your fast solutions to admin problems.

    What better way to send in a tip than to tell us about a personal experience that you learned from? The funnier the better, but humor isn't a requirement. Check out our bloopers and learn while laughing.

    This week's update is loaded with new information. Choose what works best for you, and let us know what that choice is.


     Featured Topic:

    Notes 6 and beyond
    by Dana McCurley, Assistant Editor

    Hear ye, hear ye! Come see our collection of Notes 6 and beyond tips, articles, news and Ask the Experts questions and responses. If you've migrated already, here's support. If you haven't, here's what you'll be facing.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured Expert: Michael Lazar
    Principal CLP for Domino administration, Illini Consulting
    Category: Domino administration

    Mike Lazar is always ready to answer your toughest administration questions. If you have problems with migration or clustering or generally how to handle your Domino users and systems, Mike is your go-to guy.

    Ask Michael a question about Domino administration.

    View all of Michael's answers to members' admin questions.

    Site Exclusives
    >> Lotus sweetens offer to move to 6.5
    by Jon Panker
    For a limited time, companies that migrate to the new Notes and Domino 6.5 will receive incentives. ND 6.5 will be available for download on Sept. 30.

    >> Instant messaging to push workplace envelope
    by Jon Panker
    In five years, analysts forecast, there will be 349 million business IM accounts and new embedded IM capabilities. Do you have your company's IM environment ready?

    >> True Domino Blooper #28: The Super Server Snafu
    A member named Kent wishes his first name was Clark and he could fly around the world to reverse time in this True Domino Blooper.

    Tip of the Week:
    Featured Developer Tip: Multiple embedded views in Notes R5 forms
    by Izick Goldenberg

    Editor's Note: We got a lot of feedback on this tip. Be sure to check it out, comments and all, if you haven't visited it since last week.

    This tip will show you how to get around the limitation in R5 of one embedded view per form or page. The tip resides in our new QuickTips category.

    >> Read the tip and members' comments on it.

     Site Highlights

    Webcast Archive: Learn about Lotus certification
    Speakers: Barbara Bowen, Lotus Worldwide certification manager, and Bill McCook, Lotus exam development manager

    If you missed last week's webcast, it's not too late. Join Barbara Bowen and Bill McCook for an interesting look at the inside of certification exam development. Bill's insights into this area can help you be more prepared for IBM Lotus certification exams. Barbara spends some time bringing everyone up to date on the new IBM Certified Professional Program and Lotus' transition.
    Watch the webcast.
    Sponsored By: DLI.Tools

    August tips contest winner
    Congratulations to Scott Hooks, winner of an MP3 player! Scott won the August tips contest for his tip, "Preventing conflicts when updating parent from response."
    Read the winning tip.

    New Poll: If I could change Domino...
    If you could make one change to Domino, what would it be? Take the new poll now.
    Check out the results of our last poll. We asked members what enhancements in the soon-to-be-released Notes 6.5 client are on their users' wish lists, and here's how they answered.

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    Vendor webcast
    Making sense of the wireless world
    Get clarification on the various wireless offerings available and ease the evaluation of a wireless solution.
    View webcast.

    Domino careers
    Searching for career resources? Visit the recently launched SearchDomino.com Career Center powered by Dice and find training, certification and resume resources along with over 27,000 IT job openings to search through. Get
    e-mails when a listing matches your search criteria, have your profile automatically sent to Dice.com member companies, access a host of career resources and tips and much more.
    Find a career.

    Buyer's Guide
    Find the security solutions you need -- including, access controls, content filtering and network security -- in our product and vendor guide.
    Take a look.

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