Title: Today's News
May 13, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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Don't let e-mail be your Achilles' heel
Microsoft should weather IBM desktop move
Price, convenience to drive wireless messaging
Print all attachments using shellExecute in Windows
The Missing Link: Type softly -- someone may be listening

Streamline Business Communications Combining Fax with Notes.
Could you use a more efficient document delivery solution that combines email and fax and integrates these technologies in a way that saves time, resources and money? Learn how to streamline your business communications by integrating enterprise fax capabilities with IBM Lotus Notes. Maximize your investment today. Download this free white paper now and learn how.


Don't let e-mail be your Achilles' heel
An e-mail policy expert offers advice on how to limit messaging system vulnerabilities without breaking the bank.
More coverage from Enterprise Messaging Decisions
See why federal antispam lawsuits will fall short of their goal

Microsoft should weather IBM desktop move
Industry observers expect Redmond to fend of IBM's bold move to challenge Microsoft's preeminence on the desktop. That doesn't mean Office is invincible, however.

Price, convenience to drive wireless messaging
Attendees at TechTarget's Enterprise Messaging Decisions conference say that BlackBerrys and other wireless messaging devices are only getting more popular, but security is still a concern.

Also on SearchDomino.com
TIPS: Print all attachments using shellExecute in Windows
This script prints all attachments on a Notes document's Body field. You do not need to know the attachment names ahead of time, or the application that needs to be invoked to print them. The shellExecute command uses the Windows registry to determine the correct application to print the attachment.

TOPICS: Domino Dictionary Challenge: Sharing information and resources in an enterprise
This is the name of a concept in which an enterprise consciously and comprehensively gathers, organizes, shares, and analyzes its information in terms of resources, documents and people skills. In early 1998, it was believed that few enterprises actually had this as a comprehensive practice in operation. Advances in technology and the way we access and share information have changed that; many enterprises now have some kind of framework of this in place.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

ASK THE EXPERTS: Ask Chuck Connell: Web letting users into database without login prompts
Dear Chuck: I want my users to access their Notes e-mail and databases from the Web by using Internet Explorer. But when I start HTTP services, I find that anyone can type in our IP address and see everything, and even go to the database without any login prompts at all. So I have turned off HTTP services for now. Any suggestion on how to make this a secure process?
Click here to read Chuck Connell's expert response.

The Missing Link
The Missing Link: Type softly -- someone may be listening
Loose lips may sink ships, but loose keystrokes could flush the whole flotilla. One IBM researcher says every keyboard character you type makes its own distinct sound. You don't have to be a dog to hear them, just a good eavesdropper. Imagine what someone who records your "keyboard conversations" could do -- it's enough to make John Ashcroft blush.
Read the story.

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