Title: SearchDomino.com
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searchDominoThis Week
May 03, 2004 >> Receive this e-mail as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor:
  • Your Notes/Domino hot buttons -- what you had to say
  • >> Featured Topic:
  • Developer speak
  • >> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured Expert: Tony Higham, Domino and WebSphere Integration
  • Site Exclusives:
    >>Domino vs. Exchange: It's time for a truce
    >>Q&A: Andy Pedisich answers your e-mail management and spam questions
    >>Avoiding e-mail migration migraines
  • Featured Tips of the Week:
    >>The four levels of WebSphere Application Server
    >>Managing ND6 client stability with Automatic Diagnostic Collection
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • Expert Webcast: IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 client update
  • White Paper: How to preemptively eliminate the top five e-mail security threats
  • White Paper: The top 10 reports every e-mail administrator lives for

  •  From the Editor:

    by Christine Polewarczyk, Editor

    Thank you so much to all of you who responded to my editor's note last week asking what your Notes/Domino hot buttons are. Here are a few samples of the many comments I received:

  • Dan J. said: "I'd like to see more info on what people are doing and what things can be done with Notes. Let's share more ideas on using this great tool instead of worrying exclusively about the latest marketing issues."

  • Tony C. had a wonderful idea: "What I'd love to see is a definitive database/list of known (to Lotus) bugs/fixes/issues that could be easily searched -- i.e., rather than one document listing all fixes in a release, I'd love to see one document per fix. That way, it would be so much easier to find things. If you could provide that, it would be sooooo useful!"

  • Chris W. wrote: "I struggle each day, it seems, keeping focus on continued Domino application development. IBM and my IT division are moving away from Domino to J2EE, and their inability to help me deliver applications on this new platform -- in the same amount of time as it takes in Domino -- frustrates me to no end. I'd like to see that topic covered. Also, RAD in Domino is really rapid. What are the tools for the WebSphere/J2EE world that can manage to do the same thing?"

    I'm compiling everyone's comments and plan to use them as guides in creating future SearchDomino.com learning guides, tips and articles. So if you didn't get a chance to respond yet, I'd still love to hear from you. Shoot me an e-mail and let me know what technology issues keep you up at night and what information or resources you need that you just can't seem to find anywhere.

    Also, just a reminder, our current tip contest is still in full swing. If you have any Notes/Domino admin or developer tips or code that would be helpful to your peers, please share! The highest rated tip will be selected at the end of May and the winner will receive $100! So don't be shy, folks. Submit those tips!

    Have a great week, everyone.


  •  Featured Topic:

    Developer speak
    by Dana McCurley, Associate Editor

    Java vs. LotusScript -- which one is better when? What are the advantages of each? We've collected the best articles, tips and expert responses to help you figure out which language should be used for which occasion.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured Expert: Tony Higham
    Category: Domino and WebSphere Integration

    WebSphere V5 is a whole new ballgame, with new rules and new features. Tony can help you with all your Domino and WebSphere integration issues, including installation, management, deployment and configuration. He can also answer questions on directory services, WebSphere V5 management, single sign-on and performance analysis.
    Click here to ask Tony a question.

    Site Exclusives:
    >> Domino vs. Exchange: It's time for a truce
    Tom Wahl always finds the energy placed into the Domino vs. Exchange debate wasted, given the fact that most of his customers tend to use either platform for mostly e-mail and not the more advanced collaborative features that are available.

    >> Q&A: Andy Pedisich answers your e-mail management and spam questions
    Andy Pedisich discusses the pros and cons of allowing employees to use third-party e-mail accounts, how to select third-party antispam solutions, e-mail spoofing issues, and more.

    >> Avoiding e-mail migration migraines
    Lots of companies are upgrading e-mail platforms or moving to new systems. Those who've made the move offer up advice from the trenches.

    Tip of the Week:
    The four levels of WebSphere Application Server
    by Tony Higham and Sue Hildreth
    Whatever your organization's needs, IBM probably has a WebSphere Application Server to meet them. But each level of the WAS V5 has significantly different pros and cons, so you need to take the time to get familiar with the features before you head off to "buy WebSphere." To help you get a handle on the key differences of each, here's a look at the four levels of WAS.

    Managing ND6 client stability with Automatic Diagnostic Collection
    by Rob Axelrod
    Have you ever been standing in line at the company cafeteria and overheard someone saying "Boy, my Lotus Notes crashes all the time," and you thought to yourself, "What does that person mean by 'all the time' and is there anything I can do about it?" ND6 has just the tool to let you discover this and lots more. It is the Automatic Diagnostic Collection tool. When you enable it through policies, the next time the workstations come up, it collects the diagnostic files by mail from every workstation that crashes.

    >> Check out all our tips.

     Site Highlights

    Expert Webcast: IBM Lotus Notes 6.5 client update
    View this recent Lotus Live! Series webcast to hear Lotus' Brendan Crotty and Heidi Votaw give you the latest updates that Notes 6.5 offers, including Web Access, enhancements and integration.
    Watch and listen to this expert webcast.

    White Paper: How to preemptively eliminate the top five e-mail security threats
    This white paper offers useful advice that will help you fight threats posed by e-mail.
    Read it now.
    White Paper: Top 10 reports every e-mail admin lives for
    Download this free report.
    Learn about the top 10 reports every e-mail administrator shouldn't live without -- including dashboard views of inbound e-mail activity, SMTP connection and delivery monitoring, as well as outbound e-mail and content.

    Use our one-click signup to subscribe to our new monthly Domino & WebSphere Strategies newsletter!
    Enter your e-mail and start receiving Domino & WebSphere Strategies.
    Not a member? We'll activate your membership with your subscription.

    Domino and JVM
    "paoloIT" is having some problems with Domino 6.5 and Java Virtual Machine; check out his post and respond with your advice.
    Read the post.

    Best of the Web
    Check out the SearchDomino.com Best Web Links section and find a host of useful links on topics like security, WebSphere, user goups and much more.
    Start browsing.

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