Title: Today's News
June 02, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com

Today's News

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Offshore outsourcing backlash: Much ado about little?
IBM highlights innovation centers
IBM server sales strong, but Dell closes in
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How to fake a relational database in Notes
When outsourcing attacks

Offshore outsourcing backlash: Much ado about little?
Analysts and an IT trade group claim that the U.S. has a lot to gain and a little to lose with offshore outsourcing. But the companies that have the most to gain may be fueling the backlash fire with their silence.

Learn about the hidden costs of offshore outsourcing
Check out our editors' debate on outsourcing

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IBM highlights innovation centers
[e-Pro Magazine]
In an effort to enable its business partners and application developers around the world, IBM is highlighting its 25 Innovation Centers, which provide access to Big Blue's development and testing resources.

IBM server sales strong, but Dell closes in
IBM continues to grow its market leadership in server, database and software revenue -- proof if you restructure your entire company then throw billions into making it work, the effort will eventually pay off.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
IBM lands business services deals (CNET)
Jail term for spammer raises legal issues (SearchExchange.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com
TIPS: How to fake a relational database in Notes
This tip for tracking field changes lets you update documents related to those you've already saved. So, if customer data (such as an address) changes, saving changed fields to an "agent_initializer" triggers an agent that automatically updates existing documents to show the new address.

ASK THE EXPERTS: Ask Andre Guirard: Use Java to generate an appointment in a Domino calendar
Dear Andre: How can I generate an appointment in a Domino calendar created through a Java program?
Click here for Andre's expert response.

TOPICS: Discussion Forum: Notes:// not clickable in Outlook
"Hennie" writes:
I need to have a link in an automated Outlook e-mail launch a Lotus Notes document. I can generate the link, but the problem is that Outlook does not recognise it as a clickable link -- i.e. it does not turn blue/underlined. It only sees it as text. If I change "notes" to "http," it immediately recognizes it as a clickable link. Anybody have a clue?
Know a solution? Share your thoughts with this programming peer in need!

The Missing Link
When outsourcing attacks
[The Register]
If you're going to outsource, make sure your nose is super clean. More importantly, make sure your computer is super clean and your hard drive is fully clothed. Bank of Ireland CEO Michael Soden quit last week after admitting he looked at adult Web sites on his office computer. It turns out, the people who found the smut (during "routine maintenance") are the same irate IT people Soden outsourced to Hewlett-Packard. Evidently, they didn't want to be HP employees and lose their cool bank perks. Could they have been out to get the CEO? Who knows, but one thing is for certain -- you won't read this in any of HP's outsourcing brochures.
Read the story

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