Title: SearchDomino.com
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searchDominoThis Week
August 02, 2004 >> Receive this e-mail as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor:
  • Answers to your Domino administration questions
  • >> Featured Topic:
  • Best Domino blogs
  • >> Expert Technical Advice:
  • Featured Expert: Michael Lazar, Domino administration
  • Site Exclusives:
    >>Brief: Lotus releases ND7 Beta 2
    >>Users to benefit from collaboration market growth
    >>Chapter Download: Obfuscating classes
  • Tips of the Week:
    >>Policy-based system administration with Domino 6
    >>Monitoring WebSphere performance
  • >> Site Highlights:
  • New Feature: Join ITKnowledgeExchange
  • New Poll: How much are you spending on spam control this year?
  • Webcast: Intro to corporate data access and overview of the BlackBerry platform

  •  From the Editor:

    by Dana McCurley, SearchSmallBizIT.com Associate Editor

    Bring on the Domino administration questions! Since I left SearchDomino.com in April, I've been asked to be the editor for TechTarget's newest site, the Expert Answer Center. The site features a different featured expert every two weeks. Today starts (drumroll, please) Mike Lazar's stint. You know Mike from his years of dedication to SearchDomino.com as a member of the Ask the Experts panel. He easily gets the most questions from you and your fellow site members.

    Enter the beauty of the Expert Answer Center: Ask your question today, get your answer tomorrow. During the next two weeks, Mike will answer questions every day, which means that if you ask your question on Wednesday, an answer will be posted on Thursday. Where else can you have that immediate resolution to your Domino admin problems? Of course, not all questions asked can be answered. If you want to give your query a better chance of being posted on the site, include as many details as possible.

    Mike can help you on issues from clustering to migrating to backing up to speeding up your Domino servers. He will provide daily tips on managing directories, hardening security and maintaining your sanity as a Domino administrator.

    Another charm of the Expert Answer Center is our blog feature. Mike will be posting daily blog entries, to which you can reply if the mood strikes you. Check his blog for daily Domino musings and talk back.

    Upcoming topics of the Expert Answer Center include: Viruses, worms and Trojan horses; enterprise messaging management; and careers in software development. Take a look at our topics page for links to ask your questions and dates our experts will be on call. If you ask your question now, you'll be among the first to receive a response when these experts step up to the plate.

    See you soon on the Expert Answer Center,

     Featured Topic:

    Best Domino blogs
    by Christine Polewarczyk, SearchDomino.com Editor

    There is a plethora of blogs on the Web, providing even more cohesiveness and information exchange to an already tight Domino community. Here's a look at some of our favorites.

    Read more about this topic

     Expert Technical Advice:

    Featured Expert: Michael Lazar
    Category: Domino administration

    Dear Mike: How do I purge documents of all Lotus Notes users that are from before a particular date?
    Click here to read Mike's expert response.

    Click here to ask Mike a question of your own.

    Site Exclusives:
    >> Brief: Lotus releases ND7 Beta 2
    The second beta edition of Lotus Notes and Domino 7 is now available for download from IBM.

    >> Users to benefit from collaboration market growth
    The market for online collaboration applications is hotter than ever, and an industry expert explains how users will soon benefit from better, easier-to-use products.

    >> Chapter Download: Obfuscating classes
    This chapter from the book Covert Java: Techniques for Decompiling, Patching, and Reverse Engineering, by Alex Kalinovsky, focuses on smart ways to protect intellectual property (IP) of Java applications. Obfuscation is the process of transforming bytecode to a less human-readable form with the purpose of complicating reverse engineering. Obfuscation is one of the best ways to protect the intellectual property of Java bytecode. Click here to download this free book chapter and learn more.

    Tip of the Week:
    Policy-based system administration with Domino 6
    This article introduces policy-based system administration. It explains all its major features and components, how they work and what you can do with them. It also provides examples of how policy-based system administration can make your job as a Domino administrator easier.

    Monitoring WebSphere performance
    To adequately understand the performance of a hardware or software system, you need to understand two things: what performance data can be captured for analysis and what tools are out there to help you analyze the data. The keys to ensuring your WebSphere environment is running at peak performance are: understanding what resources your WebSphere environment relies upon, understanding how WebSphere applications use those resources, knowing what tools to use to monitor and record the usage of resources and determining how best to approach performance bottlenecks.

    >> Check out all our tips.

     Site Highlights

    Join ITKnowledgeExchange
    Get quick answers to Notes and Domino problems that others have already encountered. Register for our new feature at SearchDomino.com -- ITKnowledgeExchange -- and interact with your peers and experts in this unique forum.
    Join now!

    New Poll: How much are you spending on spam control this year?
    In this week's quick poll: How much is your company spending on spam control this year compared with last year?
    Cast your vote today.
    Webcast: Intro to corporate data access and overview of the BlackBerry platform
    Click here to attend.
    Don't miss this webcast that introduces BlackBerry as a platform for application development. It considers the needs of the mobile user together with the capabilities of the technology in order to help attendees discover which data is worth mobilizing. Attend this webcast to learn more.

    This new monthly tip will teach you how to manage spam and keep your systems secure.
    Enter your e-mail and start receiving Spam and Security Tip.
    Not a member? We'll activate your membership with your subscription.

    Spam white paper
    This white paper presents a quick overview of the spam problem, spammers' tactics and characteristics of best-of-breed antispam solutions.
    Read it.

    Domino career center
    Check out the SearchDomino.com Career Center and search over 46,000 jobs, post your resume, research salaries, and much more.
    Check it out.

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