Title: Today's News
  August 04, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  Savvy spammers use untraceable methods
  >  Lotus GM plots messaging game plan
  >  IBM open-sources Java database
  >  More headlines
  >  Chapter Download: Obfuscating classes
  >  Ask Andre Guirard: TAPI interfaces in Domino 6.5x
  >  Featured Topic: Best Domino blogs
  >  The Missing Link: Some Finns "can't handle the truth" about Net addiction

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Savvy spammers use untraceable methods
A Symantec executive speaking at an international antispam conference said some spam creators are using secure URLs as shields.

Check out the Best Web Links on spam prevention
Learn about Lotus' strategy to stop spam

Lotus GM plots messaging game plan
Lotus general manager Ambuj Goyal says the recent Radicati Group report on the messaging market doesn't make sense, adding that the research firm came to a different conclusion about Lotus' prospects just a few months ago. He also disputed claims that the company hasn't adequately articulated the purpose and strategy of its Workplace collaboration suite.

IBM open-sources Java database
IBM is spurring the open source movement once again by releasing its Cloudscape database to the Apache Software Foundation. The database, the first full-featured commercial software product donated to the open source community, was part of IBM's acquisition of Informix in 2001.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Radicati's "suite" success in question (SearchSecurity.com)
IBM digs its heels into supply chain management (Search400.com)
Siemens merges BlackBerry, smart phone (ZDNet)

Also on SearchDomino.com

DOWNLOADS:  Chapter Download: Obfuscating classes
This chapter from the book Covert Java: Techniques for Decompiling, Patching, and Reverse Engineering, by Alex Kalinovsky, focuses on smart ways to protect intellectual property (IP) of Java applications. Obfuscation is the process of transforming bytecode to a less human-readable form with the purpose of complicating reverse engineering. Obfuscation is one of the best ways to protect the intellectual property of Java bytecode. Click here to download this free book chapter and learn more.

ASK THE EXPERTS:  Ask Andre Guirard: TAPI interfaces in Domino 6.5x
Dear Andre: Where can I find documentation on using the TAPI interfaces in Domino 6.5x? I am looking to initiate a call on a handset from a Domino application.
Click here to read Andre's expert response.

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: Best Domino blogs
There is a plethora of blogs on the Web, providing even more cohesiveness and information exchange to an already tight Domino community. Here's a look at some of our favorites.

The Missing Link

Some Finns "can't handle the truth" about Net addiction
You already know that Net addiction can keep you from leaving the house -- or the chair. But in Finland, it can keep you from duty. Some Finnish soldiers can't complete their six months of military service because of their Net addiction. Evidently, they miss Googling and shopping and all that fun stuff so much that they can't hack it (no pun intended) and are being excused from duty. So these days, Cpl. Max Klinger of M*A*S*H fame wouldn't need a dress -- just a fast connection and no life -- for that coveted Section 8. And it would help if he were Finnish.

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