Title: Administrator Tips
AD Is your help desk still in the minor leagues?
Two Quick Questions
1. If you have Domino, are you using it for your help desk?
2. If you have a Domino based help desk, is it cutting the mustard?
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Removing Domino iSeries folders
[David Scott]
This is a quick and easy way to remove a folder or server instance on an iSeries using QSH (Qshell) in a single command.

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  • Meet the Extended ACL (Oct. 12, 2004)
  • Multiple connections through Sametime Connect (Sept. 29, 2004)
  • R6 upgrade checklist (Sept. 21, 2004)
  • Creating the "Mark unsigned mail with attachment" agent (Sept. 10, 2004)
  • Capture mailbox database size and export to Excel (Sept. 9, 2004)
  • Shortcut to reorganize tables (Sept. 9, 2004)
  • Build an extended directory catalog (Sept. 8, 2004)
  • LDAP, Domino and Windows: Making it work (Aug. 11, 2004)
  • Monitoring WebSphere performance (July 28, 2004)
  • Cool tricks for password recovery (July 14, 2004)
  • More protection against e-mail address harvesters (July 14, 2004)

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    Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

    Also on SearchDomino.com

    WEBCASTS:  Live Webcast: Certificate authorities -- a primer
    SPEAKER: Dave Hatter, Libertas Technologies
    DATE/TIME: Nov. 23, noon EDT (16:00, GMT)

    In this webcast you will learn how to use certificate authorities in a Domino environment: what they are, how they work, why you need them, and pros & cons of trusted certificates vs. self-generated certificates.
    Register now to attend this webcast.

    ADVICE:  Ask Michael Lazar: Error after surpassing 4 GB
    Dear Mike: My two users have crossed the 4 GB database size and now whenever they open such a file they get this error message: "Performing consistency check," and then, "Insufficient disk space." After that they are not able to open the database.
    Click here to read Mike's expert response.

    WHAT'S NEW:  ITKnowledgeExchange: Oracle Internet Directory
    One ITKnowledgeExchange member is having problems synchronizing Oracle Internet Directory with a third-party LDAP. Have you gone through this procees before? Click here to offer this member advice.

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