Title: Today's News
  December 08, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
Issue Sponsored By:
  > Postini, Inc.

  >  iSeries ads air on prime-time TV
  >  IBM adds online resources for ISV developers
  >  Think Sarbanes Oxley extension changes things? Think again
  >  More headlines
  >  Poll: J2EE -- How fast, how soon?
  >  ITKnowledgeExchange: Help us beta test this new feature!
  >  Featured Topic: Domino and Security
  >  The Missing Link: A mind is a terrible thing to waste...on a PC?


iSeries ads air on prime-time TV
An ad for the i5 ran nationwide Sunday night on ABC and is expected to run on other ABC prime-time hits for the next several weeks -- proving IBM's commitment to the platform, said an iSeries exec. Could Domino/Notes get the same treatment?

Learn how fast a Notes server can run on iSeries -- according to a benchmark.
Start a discussion. Check out our recent poll on IBM Notes/Domino marketing.

AD Stopping Unwanted Email: Sender ID Can't Do It
Recent proposals to develop sender authentication standards such as Sender ID are both impractical and inherently flawed. Spammers and hackers won't wait--and may actually be able to exploit the registration of IP addresses with Sender ID to improve their junk mail delivery. Download the latest Postini white paper that explains why enterprises do not need to rely on the prospects of Sender ID. Click here.

IBM adds online resources for ISV developers
As part of its push to build up the non-Windows developer space, IBM is addressing tool needs of Independent Software Vendors (ISVs). Domino developers should check this out. Shouldn't customers get the same treatment as ISVs?

Think Sarbanes Oxley extension changes things? Think again
The recent delay of accelerated deadlines won't change things much. Section 404 of SOX will continue to be a profound and expensive burden, particularly for SMBs.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Release is a signal that Windows 2003 SP1 is near (SearchWin2000.com)
Xiotech joins long-distance replication race (SearchStorage.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

POLLS:  Poll: J2EE -- How fast, how soon?
J2EE: How much do you need to know? When do you need to know it? IBM owns Lotus, and a lot of the company's next-generation software solutions require Java and J2EE, not just LotusScript. What do you think? Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked what percentage of the content at Lotusphere 2005 should be dedicated to Notes and Domino? Here's what you and your peers told us.

WHAT'S NEW:  ITKnowledgeExchange: Help us beta test this new feature!
ITKnowledgeExchange is a place where IT professionals can share ideas, expertise and get those difficult technical questions answered by other IT pros. Better than a forum or listserv, it provides the opportunity to collaborate with groups and individual experts who share similar areas of IT expertise. This new feature is currently in beta. Sign up today and help us make it a success! Want to see what it's all about first? Check out this collection of archived threads.

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: Domino and Security
Security is a growing challenge for IT infrastructure workers. Developers and administrators alike must adopt new best practices. Here is a collection of useful material on this pressing matter.

The Missing Link

A mind is a terrible thing to waste...on a PC?
[The Register]
So much for the idea that computers make kids much smarter and less dumb. Having studied tens of thousands of students in more than 30 countries, researchers in Germany concluded that those who use their computers several times per week do "significantly worse" in math and reading than those who spend less time in Geekville. The researchers had all kinds of explanations, but never mentioned the real academic loser of the computer age -- penmanship.

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