Title: Today's News
  December 29, 2004 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  How open is open source?
  >  Trojan targets Windows' flaw
  >  Top 10 backup tips of 2004
  >  More headlines
  >  _javascript_ Learning Guide
  >  Ask Jens Bruntt: Tell search engines not to index a view
  >  Poll: If I could change Domino...
  >  The Missing Link: We're No. 1! U.S. spams the globe


How open is open source?
[Boston Globe/IHT]
It is the lot of more than one programmer to cull ready-to-ship code for open source fragments that were copied from licensed sources. "You've got to be a lawyer to develop software," opines one CTO.

Read this news story: Open source picks some new fights
Check out IBM's take on open-source app servers

The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers
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Trojan targets Windows' flaw
'Phel-A' targets one of the recently discovered security holes in Windows. Microsoft is investigating the flaws and blasting the organization that released details.

Top 10 backup tips of 2004
Top hitters this year in the SearchStorage.com tips section reflected continued interest in disaster recovery planning and budget technologies such as SATA and RAID.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
2004: The year of the penguin (SearchEnterpriseLinux.com)
Call centers moving to suburbs (SearchCIO.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

GUIDES:  _javascript_ Learning Guide
This SearchDomino.com guide introduces you to _javascript_ in a Notes/Domino environment, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. You'll find _javascript_ articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your _javascript_ know-how quickly.

ADVICE:  Ask Jens Bruntt: Tell search engines not to index a view
Dear Jens: Is there any way to dispense with the auto-generated metatag that tells search engines not to index a view?
Click here to read Jens expert response.

POLLS:  Poll: If I could change Domino...
If you could change Domino, what would you do -- would you boost marketing, improve integration, enhance Web development tools without Websphere, or maybe fix all of Domino Notes bugs? Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked you how much do you need to know about J2EE and when do you need to know it? Here's what you and your peers told us.

The Missing Link

We're No. 1! U.S. spams the globe
[CNET News.com]
People might say there's little meat in Spam. But there's even less meat -- and no teeth -- in the Can Spam Act. More than one year after it became a law, security firm Sophos has found that the U.S. is the top spamming source on the planet with 42% of junk e-mail made in the U.S.A. South Korea and China came in second and third, but combined they spat out half as much spam as the U.S.

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