Title: Today's News
  January 04, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  Venetica bridges Notes, DB2 data
  >  Malware Roundup: The fast and furious of 2004
  >  Scott of Sun: Another year, another line of jibes
  >  More headlines
  >  Tip: Upload images into selected documents
  >  Ask Michael Lazar: What happened to Coolidgedevelopment.com?
  >  Tip Contest: Submit your tip to win a 3.2MP Digital Camera!
  >  The Missing Link: 'Wave rat' pulls $50,000 Web site


Venetica bridges Notes, DB2 data
IBM's 2004 purchase of Venetica will interest some Lotus shops. Venetica's middleware can connect apps to digital assets stored in Notes.

Find out about parsing Lotus comment fields into DB2
More news: IBM, too, joins quest for search

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Malware Roundup: The fast and furious of 2004
Security experts generally agree Sasser, Netsky and Bagle were the major menaces this past year, that Windows and other programs made their spread fairly easy and that attacks increasingly emerged from hopes of financial gain. Expect it to get worse in 2005.

Scott of Sun: Another year, another line of jibes
With some kind of detente with Microsoft on tap, Sun Microsystems CEO Scott McNealy now has a few choice words for IBM. "When I talk to a lot of customers, they're as nervous about IBM taking over too much of their shops as anything," says the well-traveled McNealy.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
BEA, IBM pick BPELJ for integration (SDTimes)
Oracle sends pesky PeopleSoft brass packing (The Register)

Also on SearchDomino.com

TIPS:  Tip: Upload images into selected documents
This tip shows you how to import multiple images into a set of selected documents from a folder.

ADVICE:  Ask Michael Lazar: What happened to Coolidgedevelopment.com?
Dear Mike: Do you know what has happened to Coolidgedevelopment.com? I'd really like to look at the PC Audit Pro database that supposedly was put in the public domain.
Click here to read Mike's expert response.

CONTESTS:  Tip Contest: Submit your tip to win a 3.2MP Digital Camera!
Send in your Notes/Domino-related tips, tricks, timesavers or code now for your chance to win an Olympus Stylus D535 3.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom! Whoever submits the highest rated tip will win!
Submit your tip and check out the camera here.

The Missing Link

'Wave rat' pulls $50,000 Web site
Was he just trying to help or just trying to help himself? That is the question in the case of a 20-year-old art student in Canada who put the domain name "tsunamirelief.com" up for sale on eBay for $50,000. He had gotten the name for free just after the deadly waves hit, telling the original owner he represented an international fundraising effort (from his dorm room?). What followed was a wave of negative publicity -- the New York Post called him a "wave rat," suggesting he was trying to pocket some profit from the disaster. His parents say he was planning to donate all the money to relief efforts. The site name has since been yanked from the auction block.

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