Title: Administrator Tips
  January 06, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Administrator Tips

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  >  Notes certificates: What are they?
  >  Reset your unread count, save your unread marks
  >  More recently posted administrator tips
  >  Tip Contest: Submit your tip and win a 3.2MP Digital Camera!
  >  Chapter Download: Fighting spam defensively
  >  Ask Michael Lazar: Is NRPC 1352 secure?
  >  Live Webcast: LotusScript 101
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Notes certificates: What are they?
[Chuck Connell]
This tip explains how Notes uses the ID file to validate a user to a Domino server. It examins Notes ID files' hierarchical trust model.

Reset your unread count, save your unread marks
[Ellen Davis]
The pesky "unread" count in the Notes client doesn't always work correctly, and sometimes you have to reset it. This tip shows you one way to save your unread marks when you reset the count.

More recently posted administrator tips
  • Remove unnecessary bookmark icons (Dec. 22, 2004)
  • Notes licensing: Not so mysterious (Dec. 15, 2004)
  • Notes ID files vs. regular computer accounts (Dec. 7, 2004)
  • Preparing for consolidation -- Part 2 (Dec. 1, 2004)
  • Bypass filters -- Get out of jail (Nov. 18, 2004)
  • Preparing for consolidation -- Part 1 (Nov. 16, 2004)
  • Keep posted on your environment (Nov. 3, 2004)
  • Removing Domino iSeries folders (Nov. 2, 2004)
  • Domino Web Access and JavaConnect client (Nov. 1, 2004)
  • The best 60 minutes you can spend per month on your environment (Oct. 28, 2004)
  • How spam-fighting technology almost cost me a client (Oct. 20, 2004)
  • Domino cluster tuning (Oct. 13, 2004)
  • Meet the Extended ACL (Oct. 12, 2004)

    Tip Contest: Submit your tip and win a 3.2MP Digital Camera!
    Send in your Notes/Domino-related tips, tricks, timesavers or code now for your chance to win an Olympus Stylus D535 3.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom! Whoever submits the highest rated tip will win!
    Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

    Also on SearchDomino.com

    DOWNLOADS:  Chapter Download: Fighting spam defensively
    This chapter from the book The Anti-Spam Tool Kit, by Paul Wolfe, Charlie Scott and Mike Erwin, looks at address and mail server protection, as well as how to protect network hosts and nodes from becoming zombie spam-spewers.

    ADVICE:  Ask Michael Lazar: Is NRPC 1352 secure?
    Dear Mike: Notes uses NRPC 1352 for client access and it's secure. But I cannot find any documentation on notes.net or IBM's Web site that would support this. Do you know of a link or support document for this? I have a client that will not open his firewall. I could use iNotes, but I would like to use the full client.
    Click here to read Mike's expert response.

    WEBCASTS:  Live Webcast: LotusScript 101
    SPEAKER: Dave Hatter - President, Libertas Technologies
    DATE/TIME: Jan. 12, noon EST (17:00, GMT)

    Learn how and where to use LotusScript. This webcast covers key concepts that will help you succeed in Notes/Domino environments
    Click here to register for this webcast.

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