Title: Today's News
  January 11, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
  >  Notes outsourcing: Where and when
  >  IBM must deftly fashion new BI portfolio
  >  IBM lets loose 500 patents to open source
  >  More headlines
  >  Tip: Purge mail.box of dead mail
  >  Ask Brad Balassaitis: Problem code generates Excel reports on Web
  >  Tip Contest: Win an Olympus Stylus 3.2MP Digital Camera!
  >  The Missing Link: There is no such thing as a stupid question ... is there?
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Notes outsourcing: Where and when
As in other areas of IT, outsourcing of Notes and Domino administration and maintenance is something of a trend. Surprisingly, this may be truer in small firms, where fewer desktops are being administered.

See our 2004 Face-off on off-shoring
Read about setting staffing ratios for Notes mail admin

IBM must deftly fashion new BI portfolio
IBM wants to become the dominant player in information management, and is planning an aggressive push deeper into business intelligence. But it must tread softly as important partners live there.

IBM lets loose 500 patents to open source
[Washington Post (Registration Required)]
The use of 500 IBM patents could boost the free software movement big time. One wonders: How does Microsoft feel about all this?

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Microsoft rolls out AntiSpyware (SearchSecurity.com)
Reuters IT boss getting off Notes (Silicon.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

TIPS:  Tip: Purge mail.box of dead mail
This tip contains an @Macro agent that purges the mail.box files of dead mail more than four days old.

ADVICE:  Ask Brad Balassaitis: Problem code generates Excel reports on Web
Dear Brad: We are currently having problems with some code that generates Excel reports on the Web from a Notes Domino application. The code uses a blank Excel template that is stored in the database, makes a temporary copy of it, populates it with the required data, attaches it to a new Notes document and then deletes the temporary copy. The code has been running ok for over one and a half years, but now when it runs, it brings the whole server down. When the same code runs on the Notes client, it seems to run ok.
Click here to read Brad's expert response.

CONTESTS:  Tip Contest: Win an Olympus Stylus 3.2MP Digital Camera!
Send in your Notes/Domino-related tips, tricks, timesavers or code now for your chance to win an Olympus Stylus D535 3.2MP Digital Camera with 3x Optical Zoom! This amazing camera's easy-to-use physical mode dial allows you to quickly switch between six shooting modes. Whoever submits the highest rated tip will win!
Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

The Missing Link

There is no such thing as a stupid question ... is there?
"What is so special about the Swiss?" "What is better one long vacation each year or several short vacations throughout the year?" "What is a dog?" These are just a few of the thoughtful, pressing (and verbatim) questions entered by visitors to the BBC's online search engine in 2004. The engine conducted more than 277 million searches during the year. Another inquiring mind had to know: "How do you say basketball?" But the best question of all? "What is up?"

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