Title: Today's News
  January 17, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

News Topics ITKnowledge Exchange Tips Ask the Experts Webcasts White Papers
  >  Notes/Domino revs on tap at Lotusphere
  >  What does a larger Oracle mean to messaging?
  >  IBM and SAP: Commoditize this!
  >  More headlines
  >  Featured Topic: Top 10 expert responses of 2004
  >  Ask Andre Guirard: Refresh fields
  >  Poll: Roll-outs and updates
  >  The Missing Link: It's all in a name
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Notes/Domino revs on tap at Lotusphere
Better Workplace-to-Notes links are reportedly in store in the versions of Lotus Notes and Domino to be unveiled next week at Lotusphere. On the client side, Notes applications in this release will be able to run within the Workplace client as Eclipse plug-ins.

Lotus updates Workplace apps and Notes roadmap
Lotus releases Domino 6.5.3

What does a larger Oracle mean to messaging?
One vertical that may emerge quickly in the new Oracle is the enterprise market for communication and collaboration products (e-mail, calendar, contacts, to-do items), which is currently dominated by IBM Lotus Notes/Domino and Microsoft Outlook/Exchange.

IBM and SAP: Commoditize this!
IBM's worldview is an attempt to gild the lily by making middleware look more strategic than it is. It's one that only makes sense if you're a company that eschews packaged apps. The real value-add is in packaged business processes that can be reused at will, Joshua Greenbaum writes on SearchSAP.com.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
MySQL CEO says legal foes will fall (SearchEnterpriseLinux.com)
iSeries TV ad to air during NFL playoffs (Search400.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: Top 10 expert responses of 2004
When you need Lotus Notes Domino advice, SearchDomino's Ask The Expert section is the place to turn. We've gathered the most popular expert responses to questions submitted by our members in 2004 and listed them all right here.

ADVICE:  Ask Andre Guirard: Refresh fields
Dear Andre: I have two fields on a form -- one is item type, the other is item options. They are both dialog lists with formula for choice. I am using @dblookup in item options with item type as the key to search for the value for its options. Every time I change the item type based on the dialog list choice I want my item options to change to the list for the item type. I have tried call uidoc.refresh and uidoc.save in the exiting event of the item type field, but it doesn't work -- it didn't change the item options.
Click here to read Andre's expert response.

POLLS:  Poll: Roll-outs and updates
What do you find the most difficult among administrative tasks today -- rolling out client-side revisions, handling vendor software updates? We want you to tell us! Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked if you could change Domino, what would you do? Here is what you told us.

The Missing Link

It's all in a name
While Soda and Seven may be fictional names cooked up in the mind of George Costanza from Seinfeld, monikers like ESPN and Rain are real and now so is Yahoo. The tech-savvy name was bestowed upon a newborn as a show of gratitude by the child's parents, who met and married thanks to the Internet. There?s no word yet on how long it will take grade-school bullies to chase the poor sap out of the schoolyard and onto the psychiatrist's couch, but washed up B-movie star Yahoo Serious is available for counseling should it be needed.

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