Title: Today's News
  February 01, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers

  >  Fontaine of Lotus on messaging
  >  IBM unveils WebSphere Portal, Workplace products
  >  IBM beefs up WebSphere for integration
  >  More headlines
  >  Formula Language Learning Guide
  >  Ask Brian Mahoney: Track system forward action
  >  Tip Contest: Submit you tip to win a TiVo 40-Hour DVR!
  >  The Missing Link: Linux? What Linux?


Fontaine of Lotus on messaging
SearchDomino.com met with Arthur Fontaine at Lotusphere, and the topic was Notes/Domino and its strategic position versus competitive Microsoft messaging products.

Read Lotusphere comment: Full tilt ahead!
Check out the SearchDomino.com Lotusphere 2005 page

The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers
Sign up to receive the White Paper Alerts newsletter from SearchDomino.com to keep up with the latest additions to our White Paper Library. White paper topics include Migration/Upgrades, Messaging, Domino vs. Exchange, Administration, Development and more. Subscribe now!

IBM unveils WebSphere Portal, Workplace products
The company announced new WebSphere Portal and Workplace products, as well as upgrades to Lotus Notes and Domino, at Lotusphere 2005 in Orlando, Fla., this past week.

IBM beefs up WebSphere for integration
[CNET News.com]
Big Blue plans to bulk up the standards-based integration tools in the next version of its WebSphere server software. Code-named Pyxis, this edition of WebSphere will reflect demand for software to glue disparate systems together.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
Chip advances blowing up software price assumptions (SearchWinSystems.com)
Security Bytes: Blaster writer gets 18 months in prison (SearchSecurity.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

GUIDES:  Formula Language Learning Guide
This SearchDomino.com guide introduces you to Formula language, explains best practices and pitfalls to avoid and provides troubleshooting help and advice. You'll find Formula language articles, tutorials, tips, tools, white papers, expert advice and more to pump up your Formula language know-how quickly.

ADVICE:  Ask Brian Mahoney: Track system forward action
Dear Brian: I want to track the system forward action, which comes under system actions (which is one among four actions in Lotus Notes). Is it possible to track?
Click here to read Brian's expert response.

CONTESTS:  Tip Contest: Submit you tip to win a TiVo 40-Hour DVR!
It's a new month and a new tip contest! This time around we are offering the very handy TiVo Series2 40-Hour DVR! So, submit your Notes/Domino-related tips, tricks, timesavers or code today for your chance to win.
Submit your tip and check out the prize here.

The Missing Link

Linux? What Linux?
When a paper covered in doodles was found on Tony Blair's table at a recent economic forum, handwriting experts analyzed it and concluded the prime minister was stressed and "not a natural leader." There was one problem, however. The note was the work of Microsoft founder Bill Gates, who also sat at the table with Blair.

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