Title: Today's News
  February 10, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers

  >  Microsoft to acquire anti-virus specialist Sybari
  >  IBM moves on mobile support for WebSphere
  >  Dodging grenades in VoIP turf wars
  >  More headlines
  >  Poll: What about DB2?
  >  Featured Topic: May the template be with you
  >  Domino Dictionary Challenge
  >  The Missing Link: Video Games 101


Microsoft to acquire anti-virus specialist Sybari
After lengthy in-house efforts, virus-beleaguered Microsoft has settled on a policy of purchasing companies to combat spam and viruses. It will acquire anti-virus specialist Sybari, a company that has historically offered Domino Notes protection.

News on the latest threat: Read about IM under attack
Featured Topic: Domino and security

The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers
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IBM moves on mobile support for WebSphere
[WebSphere Journal]
IBM is introducing WebSphere Everyplace Mobile Portal Enable V5.0, an integrated server-side infrastructure offering that enables the design and deployment of mobile solutions.

Dodging grenades in VoIP turf wars
In a keynote at VoiceCon 2005, Bank of America's top network architect explained how his company's strategy can keep the peace between voice and data camps during a VoIP rollout.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
IBM pushes deep into low-end Unix space (eWeek)
Major flaw affects multiple Symantec products (SearchSecurity.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

POLLS:  Poll: What about DB2?
There are new Designer updates to support DB2. We want to know your opinion on this. Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked what you find the most difficult among administrative tasks today. Here is what you told us.

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: May the template be with you
Templates are the bread -- if not the bread and butter -- of Domino and Notes development. Their inner workings can be straightforward, but there is always something to learn from working template specialists.

GLOSSARY:  Domino Dictionary Challenge
This is a flexible way to create common information formats and share both the format and the data on the World Wide Web, intranets, and elsewhere.
Think you know the term? Click here to find out.

The Missing Link

Video Games 101
Shopping for new books in college has always been rather monotonous -- biology, American history and...what's this? Playstation 2?! Yes, it's true. All those hours students logged with Mario may actually pay off. Electronic Arts, a vendor known more for its sports titles than for academia, has endowed a chair at the University of Southern California for the study of interactive entertainment. Level up!

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