Title: Today's News
  February 17, 2005 Published by  SearchDomino.com   

Today's News

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  >  The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers

  >  IBM to pump $100 million into Linux for Workplace
  >  RSA 2005: Passwords at the breaking point
  >  Lingering patent threats worry open source experts
  >  More headlines
  >  Poll: What about DB2?
  >  Featured Topic: Domino Extensible Language
  >  Next-day Domino dev answers
  >  The Missing Link: Napster strikes again


IBM to pump $100 million into Linux for Workplace
IBM is betting big on tighter integration between its far-reaching messaging and collaboration suite and the open source operating system, industry watchers say.

See a roundup of news from Lotusphere 2005
Read what a Domino Designer team leader has to say about Workplace Designer

The Latest SearchDomino.com White Papers
Sign up to receive the White Paper Alerts newsletter from SearchDomino.com to keep up with the latest additions to our White Paper Library. White paper topics include Migration/Upgrades, Messaging, Domino vs. Exchange, Administration, Development and more. Subscribe now!

RSA 2005: Passwords at the breaking point
A thread throughout several RSA Conference keynotes and panels Tuesday was stronger authentication and better password management to rebuild reputations eroded by phishing schemes.

Lingering patent threats worry open source experts
Experts say the future looks bright for Linux, but some caution that there could be a struggle ahead as powerful enemies could be planning an attack on open source.

More headlines
[From around the Web]
New Mydoom circulating in the U.S. (SearchSecurity.com)
New Cisco security strategy targets elusive threats (SearchNetworking.com)
LinuxWorld attendees say litigation fears waning (SearchEnterpriseLinux.com)
State officials stump for Linux code bank (SearchEnterpriseLinux.com)

Also on SearchDomino.com

POLLS:  Poll: What about DB2?
There are new Designer updates to support DB2. We want to know your opinion on this. Cast your vote in our poll.

PREVIOUS POLL RESULTS: In our last poll, we asked what you find the most difficult among administrative tasks today. Here is what you told us.

TOPICS:  Featured Topic: Domino Extensible Language
Domino Extensible Language (DXL) is a specific version of Extensible Markup Language (XML) for Lotus Domino data. This collection of tips and advice will give you some good, quick pointers regarding DXL.

EXPERT ANSWER CENTER:  Next-day Domino dev answers
You know Andre Guirard for his amazing answers to your Domino development questions on SearchDomino.com, but have you ever wished he could solve your problems a bit quicker? Well, now he can. And by "now" we mean only until Feb. 25. Andre will deliver next-day answers to your Domino development questions while he is the spotlighted expert on the Expert Answer Center. Andre really enjoys figuring out how to do seemingly impossible things in Domino, so try to stump him with your queries about Domino application development for the Notes client and the Web. Read over Andre's answers or ask him a ques tion of your own. Also be sure to read Andre's blog, which he will update daily until Feb. 25.

The Missing Link

Napster strikes again
Old habits die hard at Napster. The company's new portable music subscription service hasn't even officially launched yet, and already users have figured a way to bypass copy protection and potentially burn hundreds of thousands of songs to CDs for free, making the new Napster no different from the old one.

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