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May 28, 2002>> Receive this email as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Solaris 9, Part Deux
>> Featured Topic: Sun debuts Solaris 9!
>> Expert Technical Advice: Featured Exoert: Mark Thacker
>> Site Highlights:
* Prepare your enterprise for web services
* 10% off Linux training
* Audio Archive: Hear directly from Sun on the debut of Solaris 9!

 From the Editor:

by Michelle G. Webb, Site Editor

Anticipating the arrival of Solaris 9 was like awaiting a new house to be built. We've lived through rumors and innuendo about what new features and functionalities will be in it. We've pondered whether to completely re-build and re-install, or simply upgrade. We've rifled through tons of emails and comments about Sun stalling on whether there will be an Intel version of the release.

Now we're here, and the excitement is over, but the work is only beginning for sys admin and developers who may choose to work on Solaris 9. And this is where we will continue to work with you and hard for you.

Despite that so much was written about Solaris 9 before the debut, there were some surprises, and pleasant ones at that, that emerged on announcement day. Users I've spoken with are really impressed and happy with the improved clustering capabilities and new versions of the Sun Resource and Volume managers, for example.

Let's together use this newest release of Solaris to help one another craft the type of site you need. From here in we want YOU to be part of the site with your feedback and advice. Fill out our new survey and help shape how we cover your world. Also, join the conversation in our new Solaris 9 discussion forum to spill your guts and speak your heart.

Email me more often or call with your ideas, complaints or just to talk about the market.

I'm always here,

Michelle Graziose Webb, Site Editor

 Featured Topic:

Sun debuts Solaris 9!
by Michelle G. Webb, Site Editor
Solaris 9 is finally here! Stick with us all this week for everything you'll need to know about Solaris 9. We'll have continuting news coverage, S9 media kit giveaways and much more. Stay tuned!

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Got a security question about Solaris 9 or other Sun products? Why not take it straight to the top. Mark Thacker, a security expert at Sun, is available everyday to field your security questions and to offer guidance and support.

View all Mark's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Read about the release of Solaris 9!
Sun has finally taken the wraps off the newest version of its flagship operating system, Solaris 9, and company officials said that more than 300 new built-in pieces of software, including a J2EE compliant application server, make the OS a complete Web Services platform. Click here for our coverage of last Wednesday's Solaris 9 debut.

Tip of the Week:
Sun's Solaris Product Manager, Bill Moffitt, was on hand last Thursday to tell SearchSolaris members all about the new features of Solaris 9. Moffitt offered a presentation about Solaris 9, and then stayed on to answer audience questions. If you missed this highly informative Webcast, don't worry. We have it in our archives. CLICK below to hear what Moffit had to say.
>> Everything you ever wanted to know about Solaris 9

 Site Highlights

B2B Collaboration & Web Svc Architecture
View this Vendor Connection LIVE Tuesday at 1pm EDT or in the Audio Archive
Learn how to expand your Web service architecture and orchestrate new levels of application integration.

10% off Linux training
Learn about the network services mgmt system supported by Linux.
"Configuring Linux Network Services" covers installing, configuring, networking, and administrating servers thru Linux.
Live Audio Archive
Everything you ever wanted to know about Solaris 9 - your questions answered!
If you missed last week's popular Live Audio event on the Solaris 9 release, listen in to the archive and hear directly from Bill Moffitt, Solaris 9 Product Line Manager on the business and technology strategy for this new OS. You don't want to miss this highly popular webcast!

Take the Survey
How satisfied are you with Sun's recent initiatives? Have your voice heard on the most critical issues affecting Solaris professionals. We'll report the aggregate results!
Click Here

.NET Info Center
Get your questions answered! Learn expert advice from Dave Ranck, a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer, and the latest .NET news and tips.
Check it out!

Webcast Reminders
Login to your account and select "Updates on upcoming online events" under the SearchSolaris header to receive email reminders of upcoming online events.

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