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searchSolarisThis Week
July 08, 2002>> Receive this email as text  >> About this e-mail 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Quick tips and commands
>> Featured Topic: Solaris tips and tricks
>> Expert Technical Advice: Featured Expert: John Philcox, General Solaris Expert
>> Site Highlights:
* Live Webcast: Web Services Architecture
* Take the SearchSolaris Survey
* 50% Off Unix Training

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Assistant Editor

Greetings Solaris users, At SearchSolaris we've collected an entire library of tips and tricks designed to make Solaris management an easier process. Whether it's finding large files, navigating from filesystem to filesystem, or just about anything else related to Solaris, chances are we've got a tip that covers it. Tune into our featured topic this week for a big helping of Solaris tips. Also, be sure to check out our administrator tips section for the complete archive of user-submitted advice.

Remember, if you have a tip or command for Solaris managers, you can always submit it to us by clicking here. Each month the person who submits the highest rated tip gets a very cool prize compliments of SearchSolaris.

That's all for now folks. See you next week,

Mark Brunelli,
Assistant Editor

 Featured Topic:

Solaris tips and tricks
by Michelle G. Webb, Site Editor
This week's featured topic consists of a bunch of short, quick and easy-to-read tips that get right to the point. All of them were submitted by you, our searchSolaris readers.

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert John Philcox, Owner and director, Mobile Ventures Limited

Category: Simply Solaris
Speaking of handy Solaris tips, our resident Solaris expert, John Philcox, is available every day to answer your questions and provide tips, guidance and advice.

To ask Philcox a question, CLICK HERE
View all Philcox's answers

This Week: In the forums

Let us know what you think about Sun and Solaris! Take this brief survey and help SearchSolaris serve you better.

Tip of the Week:
Sun's Mark Thacker, a Solaris security expert, explains the lack of standards compliance between various IPSec/IKE implementations, and how to get around it.

>> Creating an IPSec tunnel

 Site Highlights

Web Services Architecture Webcast
Are you sure that you're taking full advantage of Web services?
Join us July 18 at 10:00 a.m. to better understand Web services and learn how to connect with customers, partners and suppliers.

Take the SearchSolaris Survey
How satisfied are you with Sun's recent initiatives?
Have your voice heard on the most critical issues affecting Solaris professionals. We'll report the aggregate results!
50% Off Training
UNIX Editing, Printing and Text Formatting course for $49
This course presents the basics of editing, printing and formatting UNIX text files. Topics include Using the vi editor, exiting and calling the vi editor, global editing commands, displaying and printing, introduction to nroff, introduction to macros, writing and revising nroff instructions

Storage ROI
Face it, storage now affects every IT budget, including yours. Register TODAY for the FREE Storage Decisions conference and find out how to make the smartest storage decisions for your company
Register Here!

.NET Info Center
Get access to the latest .NET news, tips and advice from .NET expert Dave Ranck. Visit the .NET Info Center and stay informed.
Subscribe today

Webcast Reminder
Login to your account and select "Updates on upcoming online events" under the SearchSolaris header to receive email reminders of upcoming online events.
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