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searchSolarisThis Week
August 19, 2002 >> Receive this email as text  >> About this email 
 In this Issue

>> From the editor: Staying on top of system security
>> Featured Topic: 10 quick Solaris security tips
>> Expert Technical Advice: Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems
>> Site Highlights:
* SearchSolaris.com Salary Survey
* Live Webcast: Service-oriented integration
* Live Webcast: Securing Solaris-based Web services

 From the Editor:

by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

Sun executives tell me that the single biggest deterrent to Solaris security is complacency. It's important, they say, to stay abreast of the latest patches, security features and techniques in order to make sure your systems remain safe from internal and external intruders.

But let's face it, the life of a systems administrator is a busy one to say the least. Staying on top of the latest advances in security is easier said than done. That's why at SearchSolaris.com, we aim to bring you the latest security information in an organized and easily accessible manner. We try to offer you a central one-stop-shop for Solaris security tips, news and expert advice.

This week we'll take a hard look at Solaris security. Be sure to click over to our Featured Topic, 10 quick Solaris security tips, which features 10 new and simple tips that can add to the overall security of your systems. Also, tune in to our live Webcast this Thursday (Aug. 22, 3-4 p.m. EDT) entitled Securing Solaris-based Web services. During the Webcast, Solaris Security expert Gary Smith will provide tips and take general questions on Solaris security and maintaining secure Web services. Five people who attend the Webcast will be picked at random to receive a free copy of "Solaris System Administration" by John Philcox. You don't wanna miss this one!

Until next time,
Mark Brunelli, Site Editor

 Featured Topic:

10 quick Solaris security tips
by Mark Brunelli, Site Editor
This week we bring you 10 new Solaris security tips. They're all quick and to the point, and they're designed to help you increase the overall security of your systems. Enjoy!

Read more about this topic

 Expert Technical Advice:

Featured Expert Mark Thacker, Technical Strategist, Sun Microsystems

Category: Security
Got a security question about Solaris or other Sun products? Why not take it straight to the top. Mark Thacker, a security expert at Sun, is available everyday to field your Security questions and offer guidance and support.

To ask Thacker a question, CLICK HERE.
View all of Thacker's answers

This Week: In the forums
>> Sun Cluster 3.0 and third-party storage

Are there any known problems using third-party storage products such as HDS 9200 or EMC Clarion 4700 in a Sun Cluster 3.0 environment? If you know the answer to this question, click the link below and respond to this post in the SearchSolaris.com discussion forum.

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Start your own conversation in one of the SearchSolaris.com discussion forums! CLICK HERE:

Tip of the Week:
Personally, I don't recommend using crontab -e to edit crons. You are editing the active cron and I have seen crontabs really messed up this way. This tip provides a safer method of editing crons.
>> Don't crontab -e, by Ken Alarie

 Site Highlights

SearchSolaris.com Salary Survey
Take the new, interactive SearchSolaris.com salary survey today
See how your compensation reflects your experience and how your job satisfaction compares with your peers and industry averages.

Service-oriented integration Webcast
ZapThink founder Ronald Schmelzer discusses Service-Oriented Integration
Learn how SOI technologies and approaches solve lingering integration issues and show the potential ROI.
Securing Solaris-based Web services
Register today for this Webcast on August 22 at 3:00 p.m. EDT
Solaris Security Expert Gary Smith will take you through the process of maintaining highly secure Web services on the Solaris platform. After the presentation, Gary will answer your questions about Solaris security or administration. Ask a question and you may win a copy of "Solaris System Administration" by John Philcox.

User Survey
Help us improve the look, navigation and usability of SearchSolaris.com! Tell us what you think about our site features in our User Survey.
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.NET Info Center
Browse through .NET news, articles, resources and downloads in the .NET Info Center. Plus, get online advice from expert Dave Ranck, a Microsoft Certified Solution Developer.
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Free attendance!
Storage Decisions takes place September 17-19; apply today for free registration. Attend special events, such as one-on-one Q&As with conference speakers in the Exhibit Hall.
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