Open-source or proprietary? Which is more secure and which is more
prone to bugs or attacks? Experts from the both the open-source and
the proprietary sides debate this security issue and offer valuable
advice and information during this Webcast.

TOPIC:   Open-source vs. proprietary software security debate
WHEN:    Monday, September 30 at 1:00 p.m. EDT (17:00 GMT)
SPEAKER: Ryan Bloom, author of "Apache Server 2.0: The Complete
SPEAKER: Roberta Bragg, MCSE, CISSP, MCT, MCP and Windows security 
         consultant, columnist and speaker
PRE-REGISTER TODAY:,,6054,00.htm 

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-- About this Webcast --
Representatives from both the open-source and the proprietary sides
argue that their code is more secure. Will the long-standing debate
about which is more secure ever be concluded? 

Join us in a lively discussion as experts from both sides debate
which type of code (open-source or proprietary):

* Is easier to understand and thus easier and quicker to fix/patch
* Requires less technical support when finding and fixing security
* Is less expensive to secure
* Has the most flexibility when it comes to security
* Has the better track record for reporting bugs and finding patches
Pre-register today for this Webcast and be there to hear this
controversial debate between the opposing groups. Click here:,,6054,00.htm

-- Open-source articles and Apache resources -- 
** Sun and Apache settle dispute,,6056,00.htm 

** IT consultant recommends OpenOffice first,,6057,00.htm 

** Featured Topic: Sun and Linux,,6058,00.htm 

** Apache Center,,6059,00.htm 

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invite them to this Live Expert Q&A Webcast. All you need to do is
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