Open-source or proprietary? Which is more secure and which is more
prone to bugs or attacks? Experts from the both the open-source and
the proprietary sides debate this security issue and offer valuable
advice and information during today's Webcast.

TOPIC:   Open-source vs. proprietary software security debate
WHEN:    TODAY - Monday, September 30 at 1:00 p.m. EDT (17:00 GMT)
SPEAKER: Ryan Bloom, author of "Apache Server 2.0: The Complete
SPEAKER: Roberta Bragg, MCSE, CISSP, MCT, MCP and Windows security 
         consultant, columnist and speaker
ATTEND TODAY:,,6156,00.htm 

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-- About today's Webcast --
Representatives from both the open-source and the proprietary sides
argue that their code is more secure. Will the long-standing debate
about which is more secure ever be concluded? 

Join us in a lively discussion as experts from both sides debate
which type of code (open-source or proprietary):

* Is easier to understand and thus easier and quicker to fix/patch
* Requires less technical support when finding and fixing security
* Is less expensive to secure
* Has the most flexibility when it comes to security
* Has the better track record for reporting bugs and finding patches
Join us today for this Webcast and hear this controversial debate
between the opposing groups. Click here to enter the event:,,6156,00.htm

-- Open-source articles and Apache resources -- 
** Sun and Apache settle dispute,,6056,00.htm 

** IT consultant recommends OpenOffice first,,6057,00.htm 

** Featured Topic: Sun and Linux,,6058,00.htm 

** Apache Center,,6059,00.htm 

-- Invite a colleague --
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invite them to today's live expert Q&A Webcast. All you need to do is
forward this e-mail.

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