Get the scoop on Microsoft's .NET Framework security infrastructure
from a .NET expert. As a developer, administrator or architect who
understands the importance of security in the .NET Framework, you'll
want to attend this webcast today.

TOPIC:   .NET Framework Security
WHEN:    TODAY - Tuesday, October 29 at 1:00 p.m. EST (18:00 GMT)
SPEAKER: Brian LaMacchia, Author of ".NET Framework Security"
CLICK HERE TO ATTEND:,,7009,00.htm 

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Optimizing CORBA Systems with Web Services. Click here!,290964,sid26,00.html?s=497689&track=TBI_WS_Promo_Email_Corba_ConnectWP

-- About today's webcast --
Learn what you can do to maintain security as author Brian LaMacchia
presents an overview of .NET Framework security infrastructure,
including security within:

* .NET Framework Common Language Runtime -- Security requirements may
be specified declaratively in metadata at the class or method level
or imperatively in the method body. Common cryptographic techniques
are used to provide secure, unspoofable binding among assemblies and
support side-by-side execution.
* ASP.NET -- This overview of ASP.NET security includes security
architecture and infrastructure, authentication and authorization,
and a look at ASP.NET support for the evidence based security
services provided by the CLR.

* Cryptography and XML Digital Signatures -- The .NET Framework class
library includes support for common cryptographic algorithms in an
easy-to-use, fully-extensible object model. Support is also included
for the XML Digital Signature standard which defines how to digitally
sign XML documents.
Brian LaMacchia will be available to answer your questions after his
presentation. Take advantage of this opportunity to ask your
questions to an expert in .NET Framework security today:,,7009,00.htm

-- Free chapter download --
Read a free excerpt from Chapter 12 of ".NET Framework Security,"
written by Brian LaMacchia, Sebastian Lange, Matthew Lyons, Rudi
Martin and Kevin Price. This book is the ultimate reference the new
security features available in .NET. This free chapter is entitled,
"Security Through the Lifetime of a Managed Process: Fitting It All
Together." Click here to read the chapter:,290959,sid26_gci856076,00.html

-- About the author --
Brian A. LaMacchia is a Software Architect in the Windows Trusted
Platforms Technologies group at Microsoft. Dr. LaMacchia was the
Development Lead for the .NET Framework Security infrastructure, and
began his career at Microsoft as the Program Manager for core
cryptography in Windows 2000. 

-- Invite a colleague --
If you think this event topic would be interesting to a colleague,
invite them to today's webcast. All you need to do is forward this

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