Mike your problem is not with scp.  The scp tool just copies raw bytes.
The Control-M is already present in the file (it's the MS way).

The reason you didn't see this with ftp is because some ftp clients have
two data modes (binary and plain text).  Binary is the "genuine"
transfer method.  The latter is to accommodate this Control-M problem.
Some ftp clients even "auto-detect" the file type for you and choose the
"plain-text" method.

If you want to verify what I am telling you, just download a hex editor
for Windows (like AXE) and open one of your plain text files.  You will
see the Control-M characters.

On Mon, 2008-02-11 at 22:12 +0000, Mike Li wrote:
> HI:
> Each line of text files transferred from windows to
> *INX using scp/sftp contains Control-M characters.
> It is a pain to run dos2unix utils when there are a
> few hundred files.
> I did not experience issue when using ftp to transfer
> files from windows to *INXs systems
> Is there a switch or ssh_config configuration setting
> to suppress the Crontrol-M during transfer ?
> Thank you
> Mike
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