
The problem is that my target key is on the gateway bastion host !
The client don't have it. Moreover, the bastion's keys are protected by
passphrases and served by ssh-agent. So can't do any agentforwarding at

Otherwise, I've never succeeded in having key exchange between bastion
and target while netcating in a proxycommand. It's ending systematically
with an interactive password prompt (not passphrase).

Of course the "ssh -t bastion ssh -t target" works well but I don't want
to do it like that because I use a putty client which won't behave
ergonomically if used that way.
The same idea applies to your - however excellent - hackery you made
with exclamation ! (I'm on Putty... Sorry for that).

Once again this is a schematic view of what I want :

Windows             Linux               Linux
  |                   |                   |
Putty            OpenSSH_5.6p1      Openssh any version
  |                   |                   |
Client ----------> Bastion ----------> Target
  \_________________/   \________________/
     Client's Key         bastion's key
       (Pagent)             (ssh-agent)

Summarizing my needs taking a similarity view like agentforwarding :
I'd like to have an ssh-agent hopping.

-------- Message original --------
Sujet: Re: Multi Hopping by sshserver proxy with different keys
De : Stephen Dowdy <>
Pour : Nicolas Ferragu <>
Copie à :
Date : 23/09/2010 19:26

> Nicolas,
> If i understand your request, fully...
> I'll give you some info for OpenSSH (which you could use via Cygwin
> on your windows client), but i don't know if PuTTY has similar
> capability. (clearly, you've discovered plink.exe can do similar
> things) (while this info may not apply directly to your problem, i
> figure it'll be of general interest)
> ----------------
> Host bastion
>     IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/bastionkey
>     User bastionuser
> Host target
>     IdentityFile    ~/.ssh/targetkey
>     User targetuser
>     ProxyCommand ssh bastion nc target 22
> ----------------
> If you have both keys on the client, a
>     ssh target
> will "do the right thing(tm)" here by finding the target directive,
> indirectly resolving to a bastion connection using the bastion key,
> then piggy-backing on the established bastion connection's netcat
> link to the target and applying the target key.
> OpenSSH 5.5 or so has a builtin 'netcat' like facility using
> '-W target:port', i haven't started using that yet, as my normal
> systems (Debian Lenny) don't have that version.
> Here's some hackery i have in my ~/.ssh/config file:
> -----------------------
> # Multi-(user+host) arbitrary gateway hopping
> #       usera%hosta!userb%hostb[!userc%hostc...]
> # STILL requires using '-l userd' for destination user on command line (i.e. 
> we ignore last
> # user in specification
> # e.g.  ssh -l root sdo...@zia!root@umds0-vgw
> Host    *!*
>     GatewayPorts no
>     ProxyCommand 
> $(h="%h";p="%p";ruh=${h##*\!};rh=${ruh##*\%%};ru=${ruh%%\%%*};ru=${ru:-${USER}};luh=${h%%\!*};lh=${luh##*\%%};lu=${luh%%\%%*};lu=${lu:-${USER}};echo
>  ssh -l ${lu} ${lh} "\`type -p netcat nc | head -1\` ${rh} 22")
> # h=host, p=port (expanded by openssh cmdline
> # ruh,rh,ru=remote user+host, remote host, remote user (successively pulled 
> off right-hand-side)
> # luh,lh,lu=local user+host, local host, local user (pulled off 
> left-hand-side)
> # 
> -----------------------
> This directive allows you, if you use a Bourne-Shell/posix-shell to
> hop via an arbitrary number of [u...@]host[!...] connections via
> iterative deconstruction of the target specified within openssh.
> If you have any required keys in your client ssh-agent, they'll be
> appropriately applied down the chain. (be careful of shell
> meta-character expansion of '!' -- I chose that after initially
> having chosen '::' as the gateway delimiterd (DECnet style
> poor-mans routing), and finding that while it worked for 'ssh',
> it DOESN'T work for scp.  '!' works for both ssh and scp.
> You can use some other separator like "_", which isn't valid
> DNS.
> the \`type -p netcat nc | head -1\` is simply used to work on SLES
> and *ever other* linux distro, since SLES uses 'netcat' (nc on SLES
> is something else).  That whole thing can be replaced with simply
> 'nc' if you don't need to deal with SLES. (and that's the primary
> requirement for a Bourne-alike shell.
> If i'm using the "bastion" (gateway) host frequently for multiple
> connections (i have a number of systems that have a backend RFC1918
> network of compute nodes or data servers), i may use ControlMasters
> like:
> Host gw1-* gw2-*
>     User            blah
>     NumberOfPasswordPrompts 1
>     ConnectTimeout  60
>     ControlMaster   auto
>     ControlPath     ~/.ssh/%...@%h:%p.sock
> That way, i only authenticate once on the gateway host and use that
> ControlMaster connection as the piggyback for subsequent connections
> to that gateway and any hosts residing behind it.  This is mainly
> useful on systems where i'm required to enter a password, instead
> of using authorized-key trust.
> --stephen

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