On Tue, 2001-09-11 at 07:33, Gerry wrote:
> event viewer to one of my syslogd's on a linux system to be checked
> automatically as well. As far as I found out there is no feature in NT
> to do that.
> Is it possible to implement at all, has anybody experience with that?
> Is there any additional SW necessary? (any source, freeware, comercial

There are commercial packages that will do exactly what you want. In
addition, there are tools available, I believe some may even be free,
that will let you push your event log messages to a syslog log host. Big
Brother can also be configured to warn you of certain priority types.
Finally, you can use perl to do it all on your own.

In fact, I was skimming _Perl for System Administrators_ from O'Reilly
(I may be a bit off on the title) and I think they used this very topic
as part of an exercise.

Regards, Dustin

Dustin Puryear <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
In the beginning the Universe was created. 
This has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

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