Assuming that you are running PGP on windows, the PGP tray application
allows you to decypt a selection of text. I do the same thing as you. I
store all passwords in a .txt file. The file containts the encrypted
version of all passwords. When I want to access the file, open in
notepad, select all, copy, then right click on PGPTray icon, and
'Decrypt Clipboard' (or something like that. I am not on a windows
machine at the moment). That is sufficient for me.

On 18 Sep 2001 10:25:22 +0200, Joost De Cock wrote:
> Hello all, 
> in my company, we have a database that contains all passwords to servers,
> apps,... you name it.
> It sits on a network drive with very limited NTFS permissions, and it's
> encrypted (PHP).
> They way we do it now is this:
> We decrypt the database (it's only to be decrypted by the secadmins (3)
> private keys) we read it, and then we remove the decrypted copy. 
> Needles to say that even secadmins forget to remove the decrypted copy every
> now and then.
> Is there a way to decrypt it on the fly, so that no copy is stored on the
> disk (I guess only in RAM) that provides the same possibility to limit
> access to certain private keys.
> Would that maybe involve writing an interface to do the job (eg a php page
> that can run a query on the database) or is there an off-the-shelf solution
> to this.
> I'd be pleased to hear your ideas about this.
> Kind regards,
> Joost De Cock
> Security Administrator
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Jeremy Parr
Network Administrator
netBahamas Ltd.
(242) 394-2574 x239

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