Winfingerprint from

Open Source Win32 command line application
Raw ICMP support to determine if hosts are active 
Determines Service Pack and Hotfix Level
Checks IIS for directory traversal and codered vulnerabilities.
Can use current credentials or command line supplied credentials
Write output to screen and text file.
Enumerates ALL shares on host C$,D$,ADMIN$,MYFILES, ETC.
Scans each share for admin.dll, readme.exe, readme.eml, root.exe, 
riched20.dll, load.exe,and mmc.exe, *.nws, *.eml
 If found, displays file size and if hidden attribute is set.
Quick scan single host, Scan a text file of hosts, or enter an unlimited IP 
Checks system.ini for shell=explorer.exe load.exe -donotloadold
Checks if guest account is enabled If current credentials or supplied 
credentials fail, will attempt Guest account.
Provide Domain Controller and more...

On Monday 01 October 2001 02:31 pm, Claudio Cuestas wrote:
> there you go.
> nmap for NT
> CC
> On Sat, 18 Jan 1997, Vicent wrote:
> > Hi.
> >
> > I have read that exist tools to detect operating systems but this tools
> > (queso, cheops...) exists only for linux.
> > My question is: Exist similar tools for NT?.
> >
> > ThankU
> >
> > Vi100

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