I am evaluating the following VPN solution and have encountered a problem:
Once the Secure Remote client is authenticated on a Nokia Firewall-1, the
remote workstation/laptop fails to communicate with the Corporate LAN (no
internal server access, no pings of ip addresses, etc).

Configuration info of clients:
Win 2k w/ latest service pack and patches.
Laptop are Toshiba Tecra 8000 
Checkpoint VPN-1 Secure Client v 4.1 SP-3 3DES build 4176 using IKE
Netgear RP-314 (NAT)
Verizon DSL with PPoE

IP statically assigned on remote users LAN. DNS specified as Verizon DNS ip.
Nokia firewall logs show authentication (of user 's Verizon assigned DHCP
WAN IP ) and key exchange but, nothing else.


1) Has anyone been successful with a similar setup?
2) Has anyone been successful running VPN via Verizon DSL?
3) Has anyone been successful running VPN via Verizon DSL without NATting
behind a SOHO router ?



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