"Mark Palmer, CCNA" wrote:
> I have been logging these attempts on our Outlook Web Access server.
> I then attempt a WHOIS lookup on the source ip.  I then send a nicely worded
> email to any and all contacts that show up on the WHOIS search.
> I have had some "success" with the contacts responding with thanks or
> reporting that the server had been taken off-line.  I think we need to help
> each other out and report these attacks as we can.  I hope that if any of
> our severs are "caught" doing these attacks that others would contact me
> regarding the "offense".
> All of this is time-consuming but IMHO worth it.

I agree about the necessity, but not the need to consume my time.  See

John Oliver
System Administrator
hosting.com, an Allegiance Telecom company
(858) 637-3600

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