Simply telnetting to his box on port 25 reveals there is indeed an open port
with a service willing to accept connections from strangers.  If the SMTP
service is configured similarly, then yes, this is very much an open mail
relay begging for spammer abuse.

>is that ip a single machine or a nat'ed ip? including operating systems and 
>software how is your network set up? that machine, or if it's a nat'ed ip 
>machines on your network ,might be compromised or at least be misconfigured

At 05:10 PM 11/30/2001 -0600, you wrote:
>On Thursday 29 November 2001 09:25 am, Gerald Lyons wrote:
> Mailer: SecurityFocus
> We have been getting complaint about spam going
> threw our web server...The e-mail that people are
> receiving has 'Received: from'
> which is our Ip address...We do have a Mail Server
> but shows no logs of the sender or the receivers..
> We have contacted C&W "Our Isp" but have gotten
> nowhere with them...I need help!!!! Any suggestions
> on what to do about this..
> Thank You
> Gerald Lyons

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