Martin Radvany wrote:

> I have a Linux box running Red Hat 7.0 as a firewall.  I 
> used a scanner at to scan the 
> machine. All TCP ports were closed, as expected, but 
> many UDP ports were open and listed as "danger 
> items," ripe for hacker exploits. 
> I can not seem to find any information on how to 
> disable these ports. 

Well, it rather depends on the port in question.  You should first find 
out what is bound to those ports.  man netstat will tell you how to do 
this.  With this information, it should be apparent how to close said 
ports.  It's likely that some of these are services started by inetd, in 
which case you can simply comment them out in /etc/inetd.conf and 
restart inetd.  More importantly, if this is a firewall and you're 
finding open ports, you need to reexamine your filtering rule-set and 
make sure there is nothing you left out.

Devon Ryan                    | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Biology/Neuroscience, Pre-med |
SG Unix Systems Administrator | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Max Palevsky RCA              | [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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