Thank you all for your responses, I have had a lot to
think over. 

I should mention that most of middle management I have
worked for (and the upper management here) is actually
talented, dedicated people, some of whom have been
mentors in a way to me.   The problem, to me, is
ultimately one of attitude that is displayed toward
security (from the top down), that is: “Security is

In my case, the best thing to do will be to leave
gracefully before the company winds up on the cover of
www.f* due to shabby IT practices.  I
have been deluding myself for some time, thinking that
management will come around, and that security
practices would improve.  I will just leave quietly
and wish them all well.  Speaking with the CEO
wouldn’t help at all.  He will just think of me next
time his business gets cracked and he loses customers
(think of me in a negative way, that is).

I am glad to know that infosec is still an option; I
will just have to choose the right company.

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