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Hello Ben,

A lot of it depends on your budget for the resources you need. If you plan
on keeping the DSL connection to your office, not expanding to a
fractional or full T1, I'd reccomend the Netgear line of firewall /
routers. I personally use a Netgear RO-318 for my home office, and it does
a great job. I do my own email, and web site from here as well. It is a
very inexpensive solution (around $175), and allows for full NAT (for a
/24 subnet) and port redirection. Also allows for 1 computer to have all
traffic inbound sent to it.

I'd honestly stay away from windows software based firewalls if it is at
all possible.


- -----
Chip McClure
Sr. Unix Administrator
GigGuardian, Inc.

- -----

On 9 Jan 2002, Ben wrote:

> Hi,
> I work for a new small company, and have been
> asked to look into security with regard to our LAN and
> web connection.  I am from a technical background
> but could do with some advice in the security area.
> Our LAN is a w2k domain with 10 clients all running
> win2k.  We are going to have a DSL connection put in
> soon and i'm thinking about firewalls and
> server 'locking down'.
> Ideally we would like a hardware soloution for the
> firewall, at present our website + email is with a
> hosting company.  Within 12-18 months though this
> may change to hosting the site + email ourselves.
> Could anybody recommend firewalls/security
> products - and what ever soloution we go for what
> must they be able to do?
> Many thanks
> Ben

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