--- Andrew Tinseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > Michel,
> So far so good.  However, I would include one other policy control
> into your 
> wireless control strategy.  Make sure that all wireless network
> clients are 
> appropriately hardened before connecting to the network

In a win2k world I assume that client hardening means patched to the
eyballs, NTFS + securewksta GPO template, no unneccessary users and no
services listening on non vpn interfaces...?

> Also, have you considered using EAP/LEAP to authenticate users and
> generate 
> keys?  I believe there are already solutions that provide this.

I'm new to this VPN lark.. what's EAP/LEAP?
> >From: "Labelle, Michel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Date: Mon, 21 Jan 2002 17:26:58 -0800
> >
> >
> >
> >Use a VPN for all data traffic.

I am thinking of going down this route. Anyone tried running 100 w2kpro
workstations through a (hardened) w2k server using VPN? I was hoping to
be able to use the VPN server to also allow internet based clients (ie
people accessing from home via thier local ISP) Would this be a bad


> >
> >From my perspective we are seriously considering creating wireless
> subnets
> >of our network that we would isolate from our mainstream networks
> via
> >firewalls.  Wireless segments would have WEP and other inherent
> security
> >installed as is available, plus a SNORT or similar IDS to detect
> anyone who
> >pops up.  Traffic across the firewall would require VPN
> authentication and
> >would only be able to talk to a terminal/CITRIX server on the
> corporate
> >side.  In that way only "KVM" traffic would actually flow across the
> >wireless network and that would be in encrypted form due to the VPN.
>  The
> >main advantage of this type of a setup that I can see is that
> extending the
> >network from 802.11b to RAS/CDPD/GSM packet network would only
> require
> >changing the NIC/dialup method.  This is important in our
> environment as we
> >have a number of "field" users.
> >
> >Can anyone see any major flaws with this type of a layout?  Wireless
> data 
> >is
> >minimized, KVM packet rates are pretty low.  Encrypted VPN traffic
> should
> >not a source of compromise as far as I can see.  There should not be
> any
> >"accidental" data flow to the wireless segments.  The
> terminal/CITRIX 
> >server
> >is behind the firewall/VPN combination and is not exposed.  Except
> for some
> >potential screen data being cached to the laptop (Win 2k), there is
> no data
> >risk associated with a stolen machine.  With the addition of a good
> token
> >based authentication on the VPN and terminal server for LAN login I
> think
> >this would be pretty robust.
> >
> >Cheers
> >Michel

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