
First off -- I'm glad I found this list. : ) "Non-intimidating environment"
sounds like a great place to ask the questions I've got.

I'm working on developing a small email proxy server, which will act as a
filter for virus emails and spam messages before passing messages back to a
user's mail program.

It is a tool intended for personal-level use ... Not to be used on a mail
server or high-traffic environment.

I've done some preliminary searching on what to be aware of in writing such
a proxy server (in any language -- specifically, though, I'm working in
Cocoa) ... And so far I haven't found much information.

This indicates to me that its either relatively simple to put such a program
together ... Or it's VERY difficult. :)

I've got mail server and client libraries to work with in developing the
actual application ... But I'm looking for a list of "security gotchas" to
keep in mind while developing. I'd hate for my program to wind up on the
"bugtraq" list! 

Can anyone help in either providing such a list, or pointing me in the
direction where I might find one? So far, Google isn't getting me very far.

Thanks in advance,

Clay Loveless
Webmaster, Crawlspace

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