
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Herold Heiko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Security-Basics List (E-mail)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, February 18, 2002 10:42 AM
Subject: Fw-1 logfile analyzer ?

> Is there any decent logfile analyzer for fw-1 out there ?
> I can't go the commercial path like websense ecc (PHB problem), and
> looking at them with eyeball and memory really won't do any good :(
> C, perl, if neccessary (because I don't know it yet) even python or over
> dialects will be gladly accepted, I'll can do the analysis part on
> linux, solaris, openbsd or windows, whatever is neccessary.
> The firewall itself is 4.1 on nokia hardware.
> Thanks
> Heiko
> Heiko
> -- 
> -- PREVINET S.p.A.            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> -- Via Ferretto, 1            ph  x39-041-5907073
> -- I-31021 Mogliano (TV) fax x39-041-5907087
> -- ITALY

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