----- Original Message ----- 
From: "-=JinXsta=-" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2002 8:20 PM
Subject: Exploitable mirc, or a trojan ?

> I lurk alot here and I know a fair amount about computer security
> although I still thought I would hit you with this question.
> I have a friend on mirc that is being "penetrated" in someway. This goes
> as follows...
> The person quits with a quit message of (I am lame, I bow down to the
> master...") 
> This message is not generic as it has happened on two occasion with both
> different quit messages.
> The user is also unaware that this is happening, he just sees a
> disconnect message.
> After this has happened, his computer seems to function correctly, until
> when he reboots his "c: drive is inaccessible" , his only "layman"
> solution is to reinstall windows.
> He is on windows98 incidently, although it also happened with WindowsME
> The first time this occured, I told him not to install any third party
> services, such as icq etc. and just have his mirc - which again I told
> him to download 6.1 in case it was the mirc service that was being
> comprimised. I also told him not to use any canned nukes/programs as
> they are usually infected within themselves.
> However, he followed my advice and it happened to him again. My first
> thought is that is a trojan, especially after the TCP probes(shown
> below), his walls (zone alarm pro and neo watch) logged just before this
> happened. But, it must be a relatively advanced trojan as its getting
> past his wall and due to the random nature of the probes it seems that
> the person is not directly connecting to the trojan server and is
> unaware of what server they are actually connecting to. I suspect the
> person is a big script kiddy, but I cannoy confirm this.
> I have also suggested to him, to get filemon and regmon on his system so
> as he can see when anything is being changed that he is unaware of,
> which he is going to do now.
> I also checked the IP of the probes and they seem to be coming from a
> shell account, so I am also guessing that they may be running a sploit
> or scanner from a shell.
> he is also running NortonAntivirus2002 , msn 
> So.. I ask you...
> What other possibilities are there of the comprimise?
> How could he detect the comprimise?
> How could he prevent the comprimise?
> What is this P+P bug within all versions of windows?
> -tom
> 1 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (HTTP) from
> (TCP Port 2165) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:23:06
> 2 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 1080) from (TCP Port 4833) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:30:14
> 3 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (HTTP) from
> (TCP Port 1506) [TCP Flags: S].
> Occurred: 2 times between 2/25/02 12:30:58 and 2/25/02 12:31:32
> 4 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 3128) from (TCP Port 2293) [TCP Flags: S].
> Occurred: 4 times between 2/25/02 12:31:44 and 2/25/02 12:32:18
> 5 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 8080) from (TCP Port 3452) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:32:30
> 6 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 81) from (TCP Port 4571) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:33:16
> 7 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 8081) from (TCP Port 1609) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:34:02
> 8 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (Telnet)
> from (TCP Port 2558) [TCP Flags: S].
> Time: 2/25/02 12:34:48
> 9 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 1562) from ( (TCP Port 7000) [TCP
> Flags: AP].
> Occurred: 2 times between 2/25/02 12:43:14 and 2/25/02 12:45:36
> 10 The firewall has blocked Internet access to your computer (TCP Port
> 1563) from ( (TCP Port 7000) [TCP
> Flags: AP].
> Occurred: 2 times between 2/25/02 12:44:46 and 2/25/02 12:45:08
> 11 mIRC tried to send data to the Internet (, but was denied
> access by the Internet Lock

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