On Thu, 2002-02-28 at 11:33, Mark L. Jackson wrote:
> >>start X with the "-nolisten tcp" , if you're starting x manually with startx 
> >>the format would be "startx -- -nolisten tcp", if you have the system start X 
> >>automagically edit /etc/X11/xdm/Xservers and change:
> Tried this on Mandrake 7.1, and it completely blocks all TCP. Could not 
> browse, get weather, read email at all. Is it possible to define the 
> port to block.
All this option does is tell the X server not to listen on tcp port
6000, it doesn't block anything, whatever was causing your other tcp
applications not to work is almost certainly unrelated to this option.

Jason Kohles                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Senior System Architect
Red Hat Professional Consulting              http://www.redhat.com/

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